Posted on May 11, 2019
If I recently added my daughter to my VA profile, will I get backpay from when she was born or only from when I added her?
While going through my VA stuff online to get some compensation paperwork for my work I noticed my youngest daughter is not it so I went to a rapidds place and added her to my VA. Will I get the back pay from when she was born or from will I just get paid from when I added her?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
If you have a compensation rating already, contact your NSO (National Service Officer) of the organization that filed your claim (Amer Lgn, VFW, DAV, etc.) to MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE, too many if's on this one!! Or, check with your regional VA office.
I noticed you said "...compensation paperwork for my work...". If your employer asked for that remember they cannot decide your employment based on that, and they're not doing you the favor by hiring you, YOU are doing them the favor. Why? Because they get a tax break for every Disabled Veteran on the payroll, and that's a fact!!!, and they must receive signed permission from you to apply for that tax credit.
I noticed you said "...compensation paperwork for my work...". If your employer asked for that remember they cannot decide your employment based on that, and they're not doing you the favor by hiring you, YOU are doing them the favor. Why? Because they get a tax break for every Disabled Veteran on the payroll, and that's a fact!!!, and they must receive signed permission from you to apply for that tax credit.
LCpl Ryan Burke
No the reason why I needed the paperwork for my work is so that I can get my wounded warroior leave so that I can go to the VA without it counting towards my annual or sick leave. Thanks for the info and I will check on that with my regional VA office
SSgt Greg Willard
And they say your "New" Corps ain't what ours used to be. Darn right!! You're smarter lol
Semper Fi from a D.I. from P.I.
Semper Fi from a D.I. from P.I.
From the time you as her unless you submitted it previously and the VA made a mistake in not adding her.
I believe there is a time limit but if caught in time they will back pay you no claim needed if it’s a child they ask for a birth certificate to upload on the ebenifts website
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