Posted on Dec 9, 2015
If the foundation of a political philosophy is can it continue to exist? Through deception and ignorance.
The evening cool
Not knowing the bell
Is tolling our life away.
We are alone among animals in our ability to hear the bell. By identifying oneself with the species, the secular humanist puts his hands over his ears. Not hearing the bell, the humanist can imagine that somehow he or she is there, living in the bright future, enjoying the fruits of the great struggle. It is humanist's magic substitute for personal immortality. But of course it is only an illusion, an ersatz immortality, for the humanist will not be there. He will not be anywhere.
Martin Gardner ' The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener.
This is the core belief behind the liberal humanist. The athiest who still pretends things matter without a God. The foundation for humanistic belief in the liberal philosophy. Why is this not brought to light? These same humanist who ridicule the religious believe in things that are not substantiated by science or philosophy. How can this humanist thought continue with such a shakey made up foundation? By disception and ignorance. Is secular humanism and humansim taught in college? Or simply presented biasedly by hollywood and the media? When compared to religious philosophy it seems that secular humansim falls short and yet it is the underlying motivation behind liberal humansim.
Not knowing the bell
Is tolling our life away.
We are alone among animals in our ability to hear the bell. By identifying oneself with the species, the secular humanist puts his hands over his ears. Not hearing the bell, the humanist can imagine that somehow he or she is there, living in the bright future, enjoying the fruits of the great struggle. It is humanist's magic substitute for personal immortality. But of course it is only an illusion, an ersatz immortality, for the humanist will not be there. He will not be anywhere.
Martin Gardner ' The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener.
This is the core belief behind the liberal humanist. The athiest who still pretends things matter without a God. The foundation for humanistic belief in the liberal philosophy. Why is this not brought to light? These same humanist who ridicule the religious believe in things that are not substantiated by science or philosophy. How can this humanist thought continue with such a shakey made up foundation? By disception and ignorance. Is secular humanism and humansim taught in college? Or simply presented biasedly by hollywood and the media? When compared to religious philosophy it seems that secular humansim falls short and yet it is the underlying motivation behind liberal humansim.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
For me, what they are make no differences, if they are not stealing from me, or trying to cut off my hand, I can live around them. But that don't make them a good neighbor
SrA Art Siatkowsky
I have alot of athiest friends who simply live and let live, I dont condem them for their views but they are also not running around crying human rights and voting democrat. The consistent athiest doesnt play those games. Its the inconsistent athiest who ignore the nothingness they claim they believe in and then cry this matters or that matters. I think the beliefs of the secular humanists and humanists should be brought to light so the uninformed people who buy into their nonsense can see exactly what it is they believe. Normally I wouldnt care what another person believes but when it produces nonsense in politics and threatens our freedoms, I start to care.
SrA Art Siatkowsky
True. A little learning....and a little atheism is a dangerous thing. I just wonder how humanist justify their actions when it comes to killing millions of people for the sake of the human race. The russian and chinese officers who held a gun to their soliders heads and told them to run directly into enemy fire and die for their country....and if the solider hesitated or refused they shot them. I wonder how these ' humanist' aka 'communist' justify who is deserving of dying for the good of the ' MOTHERLAND ' and who should stick around and live for the good of the ' MOTHERLAND'. Do they do mental summersults in their head forcing their soliders to act as a human sheild or do they simply believe that their rank was ordained by manifest destiny and so the lower ranking fools were simply born too dumb or too poor to be in as situation to order someone else to run into enemy bullets. Either way Humanists are the most evil creature to walk mother earth. The ones today would take no issue with doing the same thing that Stalin, Lenin, and Moa did in murdering 100 million of their own people for the ' Good of the Human Race'.
The one comfort I take from this generation is that they are not buying into the Humansit BS. The democratic politicians are, but not the people. The useful idiots simply follow blindly whatever their professor spews from his or her mouth (azz). They are the 'safe space ' morons etc. But the general EDUCATED population seems to think little of the Humanist bs. But we have a few True Believers in the RP forum....but we can speak freely they have all blocked me by now.
The one comfort I take from this generation is that they are not buying into the Humansit BS. The democratic politicians are, but not the people. The useful idiots simply follow blindly whatever their professor spews from his or her mouth (azz). They are the 'safe space ' morons etc. But the general EDUCATED population seems to think little of the Humanist bs. But we have a few True Believers in the RP forum....but we can speak freely they have all blocked me by now.
A little athiesm is a dangerous thing...drink deep of the proverbial other words the philosophy responsible for 100 million deaths at the hands of communist governments was alittle athiesm....if you take it all the way you can live and let live, but pretending things still matter in this amoral darwinian world and you end up killing millions of people in the name of ' Humanity '. There are 2 consistent philosophies from which others can be derived....Religion or Nothingness. Anything inbetween is a nonsense that ends in genocide.
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