Posted on Apr 8, 2022
If I want to re-enlist would I have to have my disability rating reduced or re-evaluated?
Suspended Profile
I am interested in the Air Force Officer Training School and am considering applying but while I was in the Army Reserve I was separated with a 20% disability rating for some knee issues. If I start the process of applying with the Air Force will I have to have my rating reevaluated with the VA or is it possible just to stop my disability payments and pass the medical screening and that be enough? I am concerned if I apply and don’t make it through I will have had my rating waived and not have needed to?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Your VA rating wont necessarily stop you from re-enlisting. You can easily stop your disability payments to return to service. Your DOD rating will be the deciding factor
First, your VA Rating and your ability to pass through MEPS are two different items and there are a lot of Reservist and National Guard that have a disability rating. You can't receive military pay and a VA pension for the same period, so at your VA rating, you will want to waive VA payments for the days you are at Drill or AT. The form is VA FORM 21-8951-2.
If you don't waive payment, all that will happen is that your VA account will show an overpayment and you will have it deducted at the first of the next pay year.
If you don't waive payment, all that will happen is that your VA account will show an overpayment and you will have it deducted at the first of the next pay year.
CPT Lawrence Cable
One further comment. Pre-commissioning and Commissioning physicals tend to be pretty intense and joint problems that limit mobility or are uncorrected, or require long term treatments, will probably be a NoGo. Only way to really find that out is to apply for OTS and get evaluated. Good Luck
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