Posted on Aug 7, 2021
SFC Maintenance Platoon Sergeant
Somebody please enlighten a simple minded mechanic. If the DoD mandates the vaccine then does that mean that the VA and/or the Government will be paying for those possible negative effects, or is everyone still hands off with whomever with whatever left to their own miseries?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 39
COL Acos Education
Edited >1 y ago
If the military gave you the shot then they and later the VA will handle any sequela like every other shot they give us.
CDR Brian Erickson
CDR Brian Erickson
3 y
MAJ (Join to see) so I guess you’re ok with some political hack scaring people. Fine. Not sure what lies you’re talking about with Trump’s lies. Especially in light of the number of lies ‘Dr.’ FauxCi the False Prophet told. But hey at least he Made almost $2M while millions lost their jobs.

So you just keep spouting that leftist garbage.
CDR Brian Erickson
CDR Brian Erickson
3 y
MAJ Ken Landgren classic when someone I don’t know says I have no credibility. You brought up Trump’s ‘lies’ but yet FauxCi’s lies get a pass. Clearly you’re just a Trump hater…fine. You don’t know crap because it’s becoming more clear that the ‘vaccine’ is useless and if you have to have a booster every 3-6 months to stay safe from a disease you’ve got a 99+% of surviving without any extraordinary measures. In addition the vaccine that’s available in the USA is NOT the FDA approved but the one that has an emergency use authorization. So you just be that good little obedient soldier…
PO2 Don Scott
PO2 Don Scott
3 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Trump did not lie about the Pandemic. At that time, no one had enough information about what was going on. He rightfully did not blindly jump into giving out false information like the current administration has done from the very beginning.
PO2 Don Scott
PO2 Don Scott
3 y
In all due respect, you don't know me so I don't understand what you mean by "the likes of you". This sounds like typical leftist methods of debating... You lose the debate, you're done.
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LTC Joint Clinical Director
Edited 3 y ago
The government will step in and shield the big Pharma from litigation. Someone, someday will get elected on the premise they will immediately provide reparations and "free" healthcare. Taxes will go up to pay for the said reparations and the ensuing necessity of universal healthcare. So, YOU will fix it when YOU fund it. Thanks, in advance.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
The Government did that 40 years ago. Google Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
SPC Will Thorson
SPC Will Thorson
>1 y
That's a stupid comment if there ever was one. You do realize that the shot is free? You do realize its based off of vaccines we already had for decades? That big pharmacy makes money off you fools not actually taking the vaccine but all the issues with NOT taking it. This is absolutely mind boggling how you can honestly think big pharma makes money off healthy people. Lol. Go ahead, be one of those rebels that don't or won't take the vaccine and see how much you gotta pay in an icu and all the side effects after you survive covid. I got it, its not fun at all. And it destroyed my lungs. So go ahead with the goofy conspiracy theories that don't hold anything. Good luck.
Cpl Mike Barilone
Cpl Mike Barilone
3 y
Sounds like SPC Will Thorson is brainwashed by the mainstream news outlets.
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SSG Grace Nutt
Edited >1 y ago
No, you’re on your own. Thats my experience.
I got the first jab in April... at the VA in Flint. I was the 2nd person (out of hundreds? Thousands?)
Second person to have adverse reaction. Blood pressure dropped and I l0st my body for about 5-10 minutes. They called an ambulance, hooked me up to machines... whole nine yards, I reported to the manufacturer, I’m not sure which (bio-n-tech)... and my doctor. No advise from any direction, just a battery of questions... I’m done. Too many horror stories, too many lies.
Good luck people
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