I really wish I had the monetary means to move my family out of this country, it has become a disgrace! And I'm ashamed to live here. People acting like animals in the name of protest, and some bleeding hearts are gonna turn these sorry excuses of human beings into victims and I'm tired of it. btw this is my view on my wall, my opinion is not open for debate, I don't care if you don't agree with me. Unfriend me, you won't be missed. I am sorry he died, but what are the protesting his right to be a criminal??
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Certainly doesn't help the community when the mayor comes right out and says on live television that they gave space for those who wanted to destroy to do just that...then she turns around and attempts to blame the media saying that they twisted her words. Sorry but what did she expect was going to happen? While I agree that nothing in this man's past justified his death while in police custody, there is nothing at all that justifies the actions of those who simply want to smash, burn, loot and destroy.
This is a complex situation, and I think people are approaching from a variety of angles...
Does his arrest record matter? Yes and No... yes, he is a criminal and probably always would have been no, his priors dont give the police a right to break his spine once in custody.
The frustration for all...while the law is black and white (right and wrong), people, both the cops and the criminals are influenced by past events and experiences...and both are wrong....but people dont want to admit their own mistakes...
Does his arrest record matter? Yes and No... yes, he is a criminal and probably always would have been no, his priors dont give the police a right to break his spine once in custody.
The frustration for all...while the law is black and white (right and wrong), people, both the cops and the criminals are influenced by past events and experiences...and both are wrong....but people dont want to admit their own mistakes...
As I count it, he had 21 separate charges ( I did not count the two on the 4th of December 2014). My question is, why was this guy on the streets? What is going on in our legal system? Was he still waiting on a court date? What about the system that allowed this guy to be in this position in the first place. After 21 separate and significant charges, some only months apart, how did this guy not end up in prison? It seems like he made a career of mocking the Maryland legal system. If he did go to prison, was he on parole? This charge sheet does not make sense to me.
If it is found in the investigation that the officers did deny medical treatment, then they are wrong and need to be prosecuted. Being officers of the law, they have to be doing it better and cleaner than ordinary people. Just as when an enemy becomes a POW, we have to attend to their wounds, health, welfare, and safety.
If it is found in the investigation that the officers did deny medical treatment, then they are wrong and need to be prosecuted. Being officers of the law, they have to be doing it better and cleaner than ordinary people. Just as when an enemy becomes a POW, we have to attend to their wounds, health, welfare, and safety.
MSgt (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) Our legal system is a broken POS!! While I think this kid should have been locked up "with bread and water" not getting three squares, he is nowhere near the only one that doesn't serve time. What you don't see is an aggressive behavior from him, just mainly drug possession. Looks like dealing was his employment. Sad thing is he'd been doing this for so long the only way to keep him from dealing would be to lock him up and throw away the key. But...incarceration costs big time $$$
I wish law makers, civil leaders, FAMILIES.. would start looking at taking a proactive approach to get these guys off the streets rather than the old reactive approach where nothing happens.
I wish law makers, civil leaders, FAMILIES.. would start looking at taking a proactive approach to get these guys off the streets rather than the old reactive approach where nothing happens.
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