Posted on Apr 28, 2022
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I'm an Army medic working on an air force base on a joint assignment. My SRB reflects this position as JA on my ERB under the Assignment Info. I'm just just interested to see if this is considered a broadening assignment or if its an operational assignment.
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Responses: 3
SFC Retention Operations Nco
It is not a broadening assignment, it is considered a demanding assignment. If you look at your career map, which is the same exact document the 68W MOS proponent uses to brief the promotion board, you will see there are operational, broadening, and demanding assignments. The MOS Proponent instructs the board members how to grade these assignments in relation to one another. You need a specific amount of operational or developmental time in your MOS. Demanding positions are above KD time and below broadening assignments
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Yes it says JA on your SRB because it's a joint assignment. I've had two joint assignments - one at Meade, one at Offutt AFB.

From what I understand on broadening vs operational assignments is that broadening assignments are things like drill sergeant, recruiter, things of that nature. Operational assignments are like squad leader, PSG, 1SG (for enlisted). I think on the marketplace they're going to start showing generating assignments too.

I think it doesn't hurt when looked at for promotion if you have a joint assignment but it also depends on what you do at the joint duty location that matters most. I know in both joint units I was in, it was extremely hard finding things to write for my NCOER. More the second one because i had no subordinates in that second unit. The first one I had a couple SGTs and a SPC who got promoted and I was a SSG.

If I'm wrong on broadening vs operational assignment I know someone will tell me. But from what I understand, and I just sat through a brief from HRC 35F and 35N branch managers, they really mentioned those positions when talking broadening vs operational assignments. And that they've seen more people requesting drill sergeant because of the new OML, for example.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
How's this for an NCOER Comment? SSG ____ performed all tasks assigned him without complaint and was successful in those tasks. No other comments are authorized.
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