Posted on Mar 5, 2020
Is anyone experiencing issues logging on to their .mil from a personal computer?
I'm bouncing back and forth between two laptops and a desktop trying to log on to my .mil and keep hitting the BIG IP error page. I'm trying my normal troubleshooting process but just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
Have you updated your PIV certificates? Are you selecting the "AUTHORIZATION" option of certificates when you log in? These two things are the reasons why people can't access their .mil email from a personal computer.
SSG (Join to see)
I'll take a look into updating the PIV certificate. My initial guess is because I haven't logged on in a while that may be. The issue. Usually even with a goverment computer it takes me, and others I work with a good minute to be able to log on. Thank you for your input MSG (Join to see)
MSG (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - Usually, if it has been more than 45 days since your last log in to ARNET from a government computer, you need to call the AKO Help Desk to get your access reset. If it has not been 45 days but are having log in issues (the BIG IP message), it's probably due to PIV issues
Happens all the time to me as well. I would try clearing the SSL slate. I did see a message about some upgrades to various platforms that was supposed to be complete by 0600. I hope someone with more experience in IT will weigh in for you, I tend to create more technology problems then I solve. Best of luck.
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