Posted on Nov 30, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Just Sayin'

"In an op-ed published by EBONY magazine on Friday, Christian activists asked pastors who might back Trump to consider the implications of endorsing a candidate who is considered by many to be an unrepentant racist.

“By siding with a presidential candidate whose rhetoric pathologizes Black people, what message are you sending to the world about the Black lives in and outside of your congregations? Which Black lives do you claim to be liberating,” the leaders wrote."
Posted in these groups: Election 2016 button Election 201661c89c28 Donald Trump
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Responses: 13
SSG Warren Swan
Trump is an unapologetic opportunist blowhard. If you're on his "good" side, great, if not, he'll make fun of you, and when you return the favor he wants to use lawyers to shut you up. I have no respect for the man, other than me laughing at his supporters who really feel he's the "savior" America needs. He did some good (very little) by exposing more seasoned candidate's for the fakes they were, but in his case, he became what he claimed them to be. I'm still waiting for him to give a meaningful policy that is workable and enforceable. Nothing he's said so far meets that requirement from me. ALL of the others have said something policy related that could work (depending on who you follow), and they're all debatable. Building a wall, a GREAT wall, or invoking Operation Wetback again is NOT something that is remotely feasible nor something that any American with ONE brain cell would believe would work. Note he won't bring either of them back up in a debate forum. That would be like candy to Carson who barely speaks loud enough for a dog to hear, and "low energy" Jeb Bush to eat up.
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited >1 y ago
Anyone who saw my response to this question, please come back. I've changed it. I've decided to come clean and answer honestly. No, Trump is not a racist. Not even close. Sure he sounds like one at times, but we all say things that can be misinterpreted it. Now don't stop there. I know you're tempted, but read on before you vent your spleen...

I know what a racist looks like. I grew up among them in the American South. I was surrounded by them. I was immersed in them. And, until about the age of six when I figured out that my father was bat guano crazy, I might have succumbed and been one myself. Fortunately, my father was so overboard in his discrimination, I decided that I didn't want to be anything like him. I have spent the better part of my life contemplating how he might have reacted in any situation and done the opposite. To be honest, it's been an exhausting life.

Those who have been the target of racial discrimination may count themselves as experts on the subject, but I fear that circumstances have over sensitized them to racial prejudice. They see it everywhere. Hell, I've often been accused of being a racist when, in fact, I not only eschew racism, but also attack bigots at every opportunity.

Thus, if Donald Trump were actually such a bigot, I'd be all up in his face, attacking him at every turn. But that's not the case. Think about it. Trump was never accused of being a racist or a misogynist or any other vile thing until he came a threat to the progressive left agenda to have Hillary or one of the other Leftist candidates elected. Suddenly, he's everything vile. And they're taking hearsay evidence, and radically misinterpreted comments, and comment taken out of context to accuse him of every vile thing.

No, Donald Trump is not a racist. He's an actor, one who has given voice to the anger in America. I'm not to pleased to have him as the alternative to Hillary but if you don't want a racist in the White House, Trump is your candidate. Elect Hillary and you'll find out what a real racist really is...
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
You make it hard to disagree with your points, you really do. But in regards to Trump being a racist or an actor portraying himself as one, I'd ask you this:
1. Trump was in a political party with David Duke. When confronted on this, he swore up and down he didn't know who Duke was (everyone over 40 knows who Duke is). or the political party he belonged to. Then he was asked to disavow them. He could've been honest from the start and took control of it by saying yes I know him, I do not agree with his views, and they are not in accordance with American values. He did not do that at all. Only thing he did when pushed was yell I disavow. What are you disavowing Donald? Who? Duke kept on with the "it's your civic right to vote for Trump, and if you don't you're doing a disservice to your race".
2. A true racist isn't the "in your face" person. There are exceptions to that, but most will hide that fact until they feel it's the "right" time to come clean. That isn't a white thing, it's an everybody thing. Once you begin a statement with "I love blacks, I have a friend who's black" stop the record right there. You're racist as hell then. You're using that cliche line to justify a feeling or an action that will impact someone of the race you're "friends' with. I have FRIENDS. I do not need to mention their race, their sexual orientation, religious orientation or political orientation. They're my friends. That's all that matters.
3. Before running for office, he made the comments about blacks being lazy. There are stereotypes that "fit" every race on earth, but we know that they're not true. In his case, he firmly believes it being he came onto the election scene mentioning illegals and how they ALL are this or that. So he's played the race card himself, not those in his inner circle, HIM.
4. When people are victimized by racism of any kind, what you or I feel is "actual" racism doesn't matter. It's how that person feels. Are they going to be more sensitive to it in the future? Hells yes they are. Will it cloud judgements? In some cases yes. How to break that thought process is what will be needed. Can't sit here in an erie silence and not discuss it.
5. HRC and racism. I'd like to talk about that one being I don't believe she's racist towards anyone, she's an equal opportunity hater to all. She's an opportunist, con artist, manipulator, and just all around bad person who should be sent on a plane with some MRE's to Antarctica IN A BATHING SUIT. I'll be nice and give her some flip flops to walk in. We don't want you back...ever. At the same time, I would like to send everyone from this years "contenders" for office with her. Rubio will have all the time he needs to examine Trumps hands and manly bits. Cruz can be president of the iceberg that took down the Titanic. Carson......maybe with him there, he'll finally realize how self loathing he is of himself and his own race. I could keep going, but I think I made my point; I do not like ANY of them, and the ONE they should've rallied behind was Kasich...but noo that makes too much sense.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan - I think I've said it all. Trump simply wasn't a racist until he was a threat. Come talk to me even two years ago. Maybe even 18 months. There was no mention of Trump as a racist despite the fact that he was a very public persona. Repeating ourselves simply is going to change anything, is it?
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - I am trying to digest this. What wasn't said doesn't change what was said. Was there talk? Hell if I know. I wasn't watching him or his shows. I had no dealings with him, so no need to find out if he was or was not. "There was no mention of Trump as a racist despite the fact that he was a very public persona"...were we looking back then? Were we looking? No, but it's been out there and the hardest thing to see is what is right in front of you. Wealth and Privilege are two items that can make a lot of things disappear. Was Donald Sterling a racist before it blew up? Sure was. He too was sued a few times for not following guidelines in regards to equal opportunity leasing. We (those not affected by it) learned of it once the mistress thing came out. To Californians it was old news. Repeating it may be worthless, but Paul Revere kept yelling "The British are coming". Action was made on that yell. Maybe others should do the same with what we have running IN office and for it.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
If Trump had been any of the things he is now vilified for we would have heard. We may not have been interested in his comings and goings but many were, many would have loved nothing more than to knock him down a peg or two
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SGT Machine Operator
I think anyone considering the notion that we ought to register people (whether the registration is digital or physical) is not capable of safeguarding all the freedoms of Americans.

If any part of me considered him worthy of the office, that part gave up when that story broke.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
I am not surprised at how the left leaning LSM characterizes anything that Trump says. Here is a description of his response to a question generated by a Yahoo reporter on a number of interviews. Funny how theycan only come up with the ones that make him look bad or use out of context statements.
PVT Robert Gresham
PVT Robert Gresham
9 y
SSgt John S. - Thank you for the clarification. I think that you are right one to two years for a background check does seem to be extreme. Still I understand that there are security concerns. Unfortunately, these refugees are going to be bearing the stigma, brought on by a small part of their culture.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
You hear what you want to hear based on your opinions. I hear his primary concern being Syrian refugees. Many of our illegal alien problems are a result not tracking them. Certainly we should have a database of every non-citizen in the USA, particularly in these dangerous times.
SGT Machine Operator
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Hearing what you want to hear cuts both ways, Master Chief.

The problem is that taken one way, Trump's rhetoric could lead to policy which is dangerous to American citizens.

It's not a far leap, after all, from non-citizens to citizens. We're all military; we all know what mission creep is.
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