Posted on Sep 15, 2015
SSgt Alex Robinson
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Responses: 8
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
This is a hugely complex issue which will not be solved by opinion polls.

First, we have to look at the MAJOR subject of Immigration, then we have to look at the MINOR subset of "illegal immigration."

Why do people "Immigrate?" Obvious answer. Things are better here than they are there. It's so profoundly simple, it sounds stupid. Now, there's always a follow on question to that. The people who immigrate. Are they here to stay? If so, those are the people you want.

But, Aaron, that's insane!?! No. Those are people who are going to assimilate and become Americans. They're the ones who are going to become "productive."

The ones who are coming here for X amount of time and going back, those are the ones who are a drain on our resources. They are not actually "immigrants." They're the ones we have to watch out for.

So... onto the subset. There's a big push to change the terminology from "Illegal Immigrants" to "Undocumented Workers." Okay. Let's do that. I like Immigrants. I'm 100% PRO Immigrant. Bring them over by the Boat, Truck, Train load. Swear them in at the border and let's put them to work. We can print greencards FAST.

It's "Undocumented Workers" I have a problem with. Screw that. Those are people who tap the resources, don't pay taxes, but become a drain on society. If they get into a car accident, everyone else pays. All you can do is jail them, or deport them, and either way, more drain. And if you deport, they're back again.

Now... an open border policy where you come across with your handy dandy US issued Documented Worker Card with attached US Tax ID# and Uncle Sam "gets his beak wet" at 25% (nominal tax rate). Come one over! I'll serve lemonade!
SrA Edward Vong
SrA Edward Vong
>1 y
Took the words out of my mouth. If we make "undocumented workers" taxpayers, it can help the economy.
SSG Ammunition Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I love went people talk about the illegal immigrants are draining are economy they do the jobs no one else one to do. the spend money are economy too because they live here they don't take nothing from the government. they don't qualified for are welfare state programs they don't have no papers. and the one with funny paper give a lot money to are government system they can't not claim like taxes underemployment benefit and social security and ware all does million of dollars. ware they go. no vary know event are government benefits from illegal immigration are country is not broke because illegal immigration is because all the free cheese the warfare state give,give and give to does they don't do crap for this country and for them self let put them to work for all that free cheese they get from us the hard working ones. and the politician don't want to talk about that were the votes are in are welfare citizen . and that is the real problem is not the illegal immigrants they don't vote sure lets blame them.
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LCDR Naval Aviator
No, immigration is not a real problem. Just one more boogey man for people who would like to exploit irrational fears. The overall boost immigration - legal or otherwise - gives to our country is a net gain when offsetting any negatives. Should we ignore illegal immigration? Probably not. Hard to say what the future holds. Is it tearing the USA asunder from within? Not at all, though much of the rhetoric does.
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SrA Denise Goins
The key word in illegal alien is not alien! We have laws in place to keep the country & people as safe as possible. We have the responsibility to be sure American civilians are safe. If someone wants to come to the US, do it the legal way then there won't be any issues!
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