Posted on Oct 16, 2015
SrA Art Siatkowsky
Of course it's bad for your health to smoke but ever wonder what motivates the '' commercials? I wonder if these same people behind support legalized pot? Even though the American lung association says smoking pot is just like smoking cigarettes. Is this a liberal push to defund conservative contributions from big tobacco?
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Responses: 8
Capt Seid Waddell
Edited >1 y ago
You mean to say that setting the foliage on fire and breathing in the smoke is bad for you?
Who'd have ever guessed?
The shocker for me was that it took 25 years to stop doing it.
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PO3 Electrician's Mate
Oh... it is political. and they are mirroring it to use against guns. :)

While many tired of politic ... but politic is life ... so ignoring politic just mean ignoring your life. :) I learn this lesson hard from my ancestors at my x-home country.
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COL Ted Mc
Edited >1 y ago
SrA Art Siatkowsky - Airman; Without having a full scientific study to back me up, I'd probably agree that smoking pot is as dangerous as smoking cigarettes.

On the other hand, if you smoke two packs of weed per day, you aren't going to be doing much else.

IOW, the argument is like saying that having two glasses of wine with dinner is as harmful as going to the bar and drinking two dozen beers.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SrA Art Siatkowsky - Airman; I don't quite see how advocating that people stop ingesting chemicals known to cause cancer and heart disease qualifies as "not conservative". Are you telling me that the only real true conservatives are chain smokers who deliberately blow their exhaled smoke in other people's faces?

Again, without a properly conducted study, I'd probably be willing to grant you that, gram for gram, tobacco (that's JUST tobacco and not necessarily the stuff you get in your cigarettes) and marijuana are about equally harmful.

Where the big difference lies is in the ACTUAL rate of consumption which is generally less for marijuana than it is for tobacco.

I wouldn't doubt that the numbers of people who have quit smoking are "correct" - all I have to do is look around me and I can see the difference.
SrA Art Siatkowsky
SrA Art Siatkowsky
>1 y
Nah just thinking big tobacco lobbies conservative so thinking the real motivation behind the commercials is they want to defund a historically conservative source of cash...I just know they don't care if people actually stop smoking but they sure put a lot of effort into making it seem like they care.....just noticing the political motivations behind organizations that act like they care.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SrA Art Siatkowsky - Airman; It's time to get a larger size tinfoil hat.
SrA Art Siatkowsky
SrA Art Siatkowsky
>1 y
There are more pressing issues this was just a side topic discussing how much politics is involved in most issues where some group pretends to care deeply about something. I bet everyone involved in the smokes pot on a regular basis. Can't prove it, don't care. The real issues are what are the motivations behind these political movements. ..the conservatives are easy...they want government out of their lives...some just for freedom sakes...some to be able to conduct their business and make their money. The problem is what motivates the democrats? They don't give a shit about the poor, about veterans, about immigrants, about women's issues,and gay and lesbian issues or about how many people get killed with guns (just look at Detroit the Democrat haven) but they pretend to care about all these things...our president even puts on an act when there is a shooting acting like he is mad....all bull shit. The Republicans are easy to figure out...they want to be free to make their millions....the dems...they just want votes so they can make a bigger government and increase their power...thats where I put on my tin foil hat....they are sneaky sobs and they pretend to care when they don't care at all....communist in my opinion, pure evil if your a thiest...pure communist if your not.
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