Posted on Oct 1, 2019
SPC Onel Cruz
My current reserve unit is pretty far ways from me and I live fairly close to this other unit but it is a National Guard post. Is there a way that I can transfer into this unit or just switch from Army Reserve to the Guard.
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Responses: 5
SFC Senior Human Resources Nco (S1)
I know you can do it from Guard to Active and Guard to Reserve. Don't think I have seen Reserve to Guard. Talk to a Guard recruiter. The form used would be a conditional release DD Form 368.
SPC Onel Cruz
SPC Onel Cruz
5 y
Will do thanks!
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CPT Lawrence Cable
Are you Marine Reserve? Still, the method is the same. Have the National Guard recruiter start a DD Form 368 and submit it to your chain of command. In the Army or Army National Guard, that form needs the signature of the first General in your Chain of Command, or their designated representative. Be aware that there is no requirement to release you and that may depend on things like the remaining time on your current enlistment and whether you have any of your original obligation left, or if they are extremely short handed. I would get with my Retention NCO and my immediate Chain of Command and get them on your side. There is no requirement for them to endorse or decline a DD368, but having your command working for you greases a lot of skids.
SPC Onel Cruz
SPC Onel Cruz
5 y
Not yet sir but that is my next step, scheduling an appointment as we speak. CPT Lawrence Cable
SPC Onel Cruz
SPC Onel Cruz
5 y
I am still trying to reclass, doing Cyber in the civilian sector and finishing up the degree as well. Would be beneficial to do the same in the Guard.CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
SPC Onel Cruz - Good luck. Don't know how prevalent a MOS that is in Guard units, we still used pocket calculators when I was still Active Reserve. ;^). I will point out that being willing to go to a slot they are hurting to fill makes everyone on the Guard side a lot more cooperative. When I transferred to the Kentucky National Guard, they were short Engineer Officers and asked it I would Branch Transfer out of the Infantry. Since I did, the process was pretty painless except for having to go back to school. But I would have had to go back to Advanced School as a grunt anyway.
SPC Onel Cruz
SPC Onel Cruz
5 y
Yeah it sucks to do all that reclassing stuff again. I will keep that in mind, hopefully they have something related to what I’m doing in the civilian sector. If not then I don’t mind being an engineer again. Haven’t blown shit up in a while. CPT Lawrence Cable
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SGT(P) Supply Sergeant (S4)
You can ask for a DD 368. A DD368 is a conditional release form. Well, more of a request. This is for interactive transfers. You have to work with an ANG recruiter to get it started and have to go up your Command chain to be signed off on.
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