Posted on May 14, 2015
SGT Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
I feel as if the reserves is not for me. I would like to switch to active duty as soon as possible but I have no idea how. Ive brought this topic up to my seniors and the suggestion that comes up is AGR. I have drill this weekend (16th-17th) so i can speak with my leaders on any suggestions I recieve on here. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
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Responses: 16
SGT Human Resources Specialist
I'm going through the same process your going through...YOU have to be on top of things,YOU have to put in as much work in those 2 days or how ever many you have to for drill like its a 5 day job,YOU have to show your superiors you want to transition into AD,don't be that guy standing around waiting for orders to do the little things,when you see those little things jump right to it and help get it done! Many people get to comfortable at drill you have to stay hungry and motivated.Ask questions when you have a block of instructions, pick up extra detail ,finish your classes your given and be on top of things like you want it ,it's competitive out here ,show your worth,I just got put on orders for a couple of months to train within the unit,only a few selected to learn and execute when if we deploy,and hopefully it will extend,I've only been in my unit since October and since then I hit the ground running ,you have to communicate and show them you want it and willing to work for it.ONLY YOU can make it happen!!!!
CW2(P) Construction Engineering Technician
CW2(P) (Join to see)
10 y
Excellent. I wish more Soldiers had your attitude PFC Mclamb. You will go far. Troops always look at their next rank. You need to look two above yours. Learn two above and the one above will be a piece of cake. That's what I did. Keep up the self motivation and do not get discouraged when a speed bump or mountain gets in your way.
LTC Chief, Relocation Plans
LTC (Join to see)
10 y
I'd suggest that if the original author puts as much into his Reserve unit as you are describing, he may find that the Reserves is much more "for him" than he realizes.

The USAR is an excellent place to gain skills and experience while also having another job. When you learn to market those skills, you can transfer them -- I received my first promotion in a system that preferred promoting by seniority ... but when I articulated that I had experience managing 3x as many people using 3 separate human resource systems simultaneously (AGR, TPU & civilian), I was selected.

Advancement in the USAR works similarly -- if you're hungry, you can choose your own bosses (change units, interview for positions, etc.) in ways that are impossible on AD.
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MSG Brad Sand
You need to talk to your local RA recruiter. They can help you with the DD368 and DA 4187. You have to be open to what the Army is offering but it should still be possible.

IF you are looking at going AGR, then you are going to have a bit of rougher go at least right now. There are not many AGR positions below E-5. Not saying there are none but there are not many.
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CPT Public Affairs Officer
SGT (Join to see)

Here is the full process:
-Visit Active Duty Recruiter
-Get DD-368 and a DA-4651 (make sure the recruiter signs it)
-Submit the paperwork (plus a few other things your admin will have you work on)
-Paperwork will go up in the system, stopping at each level above your Company
-Once it is signed by the first General-level Officer with authority in your CoC, it will show a change to those with HRPass access
-IF the release is approved, you will take the DD-368 back to the recruiter and they will start their part of the process (basically, the same as enlistment)

At the point you are released, you will have to contend with the PS Business Rules that are active at that time. Right now, the ONLY retraining option for you are: 18X and 35P if you can qualify for them. If they are taking your MOS, you can also enter active on that MOS and then look at reclassing later through an application MOS (SF, 35P, 12D, etc) or based on In/Out calls.

Check out the current PS Business Rules here:

I would get the DD-368, etc prior to BTA if if your Company CoC supports you, you can complete the packet immediately to avoid delays.

AGR would be a ways out for you as you need to be at least a more senior SPC to even be remotely eligible and chances of selection are pretty low.

Hope that helps.
CPT Public Affairs Officer
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
SSG James Montgomery 4-6 months is about right. HRPas has improved tracking of packets dramatically from when I submitted in 2010 (my release took 19 months with a paper packet! By then my MOS was not being taken and I was 4 months too old for 18X!), and with those commands with efficient S1 channels, it could happen a little quicker. However, if you have a S1 chain that is not on their game, it can take longer! At least they are trackable now, which is a major step in the right direction.
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