Posted on Feb 3, 2015
LCpl Steve Wininger
ISIS and terrorists have been committing atrocities for a long time now. How much more can happen before the United States gets more actively involved? Will it take another 9/11 type event before the president finally takes the threat serious. He has a difficult time even labeling them as terrorists in some instances.

There is now proof that ISIS burned a captured Jordanian pilot alive. can the United States still stand by while atrocities like this continue?

Is it time for the President of the United States to become more active in combating the growing ISIS threat? They have made direct threats against the United States, attacked citizens in other countries, and have a growing number of followers globally, including the US.

What do you think the US should do?
Posted in these groups: Isis logo ISISImages Barack ObamaSafe image.php Terrorism
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 71
SSG Ait Platoon Sergeant
My answer may not be the easiest thing to digest. Short and sweet, short of using bugs, gas and nukes, I say ISIS gets a taste of their own medicine. If they want to take and kill prisoners in the gruesome ways that they do, why should the coalition show them any quarter? They need to experience exacting, swift and brutal obliteration in a similar manner that they are dishing out. They are like that punk who keeps talking smack to and hitting the person trying to walk away. THEY ARE BEGGING FOR A BEATDOWN!!! Will it take an American Service Member being captured and set on fire alive or beheaded before they finally get the business? Only time will tell I suppose.
SSG Courtney Colyar
SSG Courtney Colyar
>1 y
Let's hope that doesn't happen.
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Cpl Robert Clark
Edited >1 y ago
Islam is a lie from the pit of hell.
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MSG Floyd Williams
Edited >1 y ago
I'm sorry for the pilot and his family, but Jordan should strike hard without mercy. The U.S shouldn't have to be a part in it unless Jordan is being badly beaten, I'm tired of the U.S being involve in other countries problems we have way more than enough here to solve. Is it worth sacrificing our lives for other countries? Don't forget who was rejoicing on that tragic day September 11, 2001 in the U.S and other parts of the world.
SSG Courtney Colyar
SSG Courtney Colyar
>1 y
Sharp and intelligent outlook !!
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SSG(P) Instructor
Just watched problems seem pretty small right about now.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Full court press. We could learn something from Jordan, for every American they behead, we kill 2 of their prisoners.
Pvt Richard Hy
Pvt Richard Hy
>1 y
I think we are worth more than 2:1 SSG Michael.. Great profile pic Sir!
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SFC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I'm sure the POTUS takes stand, but he is overall careful with the words he chooses. As soon as we catch on to a word, a new set of words are used. ex. ISIS turned into ISIL I'm not sure when or why Syria turned into Levant, but one day it did. This tactic provides a lot of confusion, and by the time the guy in the news makes their sense of what was said, the way it will sale newspapers, the truth is diluted and over influenced. I have a feeling there are people hunting down the bad guys at times, when our intel allows, and the POTUS doesn't make all the calls on movement around the world.
These efforts take money and great timing, without either we're limited. I, with the masses, think that it would be great to go do something, but what is that something going to cost us to maybe improve someone else's situation? We could afford another effort but with our country being in two wars over the last 14 years, should we not reflect inward a bit more, and just insure the situation is going to leak over to here. We have home grown cells here in the states, I think perhaps that should be a big concern. Let the Armies rest and rebuild before it crumbles like Rome. I'm sure you've reviewed The Art of War?
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SPC David S.
Edited >1 y ago
I think by killing a Muslim Jordanian in such a manner really exposes the true sociopathic tendencies used by ISIS's. However other than Jordan I feel that this will do little in alienating them from other Muslim nations such a Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as they seem comfortable in allowing the funding of ISIS from their citizens. I would bet that there are more Jordanians on the side of ISIS as with their own government. The father of the man who was burned alive was against Jordan fighting ISIS before he lost his son. Obviously now he thinks they should be eradicated. I also feel that the Muslim faith is danger close to a tipping point where the faith has lost its roots to its more compassionate side from any external perspective which will only further alienate it beyond any hopes of some sort of civil discourse. Many in France already believe there will be a civil war within France involving non-Muslims against Muslims much along the line of the Albigensian Crusade disposing of Catharism which also helped start the Medieval Inquisition. Hopefully not but I feel much like the waxing and waning of the moon the cycles of genocide between Muslims and Christians will continue until there is only one.
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SPC Angel Guma
Simply being ISIS they already crossed the line. I think the real question here is how many more 'line crossings' are needed before people step up.

And I also think, far be it for me to say it, the US should remain out of this boondoggle.
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SFC Jason Porter
Question is what is the world going to do about it? Bombing ISIS is not enough! This is WWIII in the making! The Japanese and the NAZIs where equally as ruthless as ISIS.
SSG Paul Lanciault
SSG Paul Lanciault
>1 y
Back then we were in to win it. And we did, a couple of nukes and bombing cities back to the stone age got the point across. then we stuck around and won the peace.
SSG Courtney Colyar
SSG Courtney Colyar
>1 y
Bombing ISIS is plenty. Let's be smart this time. Have a little impulse control./ Isis is Really ISIS is a group of ninnies, I'm finding it hard to get all worked about them because they cut off a few heads. Let's train our allies in the region, then properly arm them, and give them proper air support. They're bragging and showing out. that just say to me that they suffer from low-self esteem. I'm not letting them weaklings rush me into nothing. I don't suffer low self esteem. As a Marine I don't feel the need to boast, and post video's daily. I know my capabilities and I'm starting to see what yours are, and soon we'll exploit them. Relax gentlemen . . . We got this.
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SFC Collin McMillion
This guesting strikes a my very core. If we don'the take the line drawing stick away from this President, soon we will be enjoying rice and cockroaches with the little fat boy in North Korea. He drew the line, hundreds of children got gased and died, he drew the line, nuclear bombs are being developed while we sit at a table discussing when they will quit, they won't, they will just talk until they blow us up. He has alienated our most reliable allies and supported groups against them. Wake up America we are in deep "doo-doo". Our President is only worry ed about how history will look at him, he should not be, because I am sure the will be a couple of chapters directed at him entitled "How I Single Handedly Destroyed America". Too many of us old vets and a lot of you younger ones too have already seen this, we always fought to win, now we fight until the buffet runs out.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
SFC Collin McMillion What you say is sad but true. right now the buffet for those who think the government owes them everything is full. As long as Obama keeps the entitlement buffet line open, he has a base to support him and anyone else that helps keep it stocked.
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MAJ Regimental Physician Assistant
They may have crossed the line with Jordan, but I fail to see how that is our concern. They have not attacked us, as in the country of USA. The unfortunate deaths of the AMCITS, were due to their decision to venture into Syria. I feel for them, but that does not constitute an attack on the U.S.
I think you have to ask yourself, does this meet Just War Theory? I do not believe it does for the U.S. It most likely does for Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and other middle eastern countries. ISIS will never be a threat to the continential US. There may be small attacks, but nothing that will end up with them conquering the U.S.
PO3 Stuart Prettel
PO3 Stuart Prettel
>1 y
Not trying to convince you but take a look at the criminal cases across the US - they are here Major. They are here and killing us.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) With all due respect sir, you do not get it. The visceral reaction is one thing but the destabilizing potential could send shockwaves across the geopolitical landscape. The White Papers during WWII was no one else's problem either in terms of isolationism. The USA took that to heart more than any other nation. Some times it behooves us to be the voice of sanity. That we have some interests are really beside the point. You can't always pick your battles without risking a larger conflagration.
MAJ Regimental Physician Assistant
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you Ricky Bobby. Again, you and everyone else here will not change my position on this subject, and I am still on AD and read daily intel updates...I get it.
GySgt Lucian J Caldara
GySgt Lucian J Caldara
>1 y
For some.. they need another Pearl Harbor or Lusitania to recognize it is a global problem. The reincarnation of the "rise of the Persian Empire" is upon us. Oceans no longer protect us. We did inject ourselves into the Middle East and we withdrew before the mission was completed and the enemies destroyed.
Telling our enemies "naughty, naughty" only encourages their aggressiveness.
Remember what brought WWII to an end.. Dresden in Europe an Hiroshima/Nagasaki in the Pacific. As a military man, you are taunt to "Hurt your enemy so he won't et back up." Congratulations for your AD time and service.
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