Posted on Dec 18, 2014
SSG(P) Instructor
I cannot quote the article I got this from, but it is way back. I think generally speaking we gain weight over time, married or unmarried.

Here is one to back up my statement:

One can postulate that married folks sit down and have 3 squares a day, or eat out at restaurants a lot (the case with us) or have social get togethers which always lead to drinking and eating = weight gain.

However, let's not forget: Bad habits beget more bad habits.

Lets keep this easy. Post years married : Post lbs gained

4 yrs : 5 lbs

If you have lost weight post a negative in front of the lbs, and share your secret.
Posted in these groups: Rings Marriage
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Responses: 7
1SG Vet Technician
I lost 220 lbs after my divorce.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I lost 150 lbs...that was funny. On the Divorcee will get that inuendo
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
>1 y
Oh, I got it. Lost about 115. Waited a few years and gained it back!
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CH (CPT) Battalion Chaplain
I don't know if it does or not. I gained 20 pounds with my wife's first pregnancy. And 20 with the 2nd pregnancy. She's on her third right now, and if I gain 20 more I may be finding a job outside of the Army!
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
YES!! I didn't gain a pound from my senior year in high school in 1997/98 until I got married in 2004!! Then I started to lose weight once I got divorced...
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
@SGT Jamie Barrie Proof is in the pudding...pun intended.
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
the pudding... and pork chops... and steaks... and burritos... and pasta... and breakfast foods...
SGT Joseph Smith
SGT Joseph Smith
>1 y
Yes, because you get less concerned about yourself, and more on other new variables that have been added into your reality. 

I think that sounds right anyways.
SPC Line Medic
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
Ive been married 15 years and have gained maybe 5 lbs
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Marriage = +1 lb per year? Does Marriage make you FAT?
TSgt Kevin Buccola
I think so - I gained a lot of weight after the wedding then especially after retirement. in the last year my wife and I exercise together, eat right, stopped eating out daily, cook more at home and we've both lost several pounds - I am down 35.

yes Marriage puts on weight but also takes it off and you and your spouse spend more time together being active
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SFC Quality Control Technical Inspector
21 years married and was holding at 10 lbs gained until I hurt my back last year, now I am up another 10 lbs. so in total I have a one pound cussion. In reality I dont care about the number on the scale. I was 185 lbs when I got married and last year I was 195 but my BMI floated between 10%-13% body fat all those years, now I feel fat, I havent measured but would guess I am close to 18%.
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SSG Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
Edited >1 y ago
2 years= I lost 30 lbs. i was gunned down while being car jacked and because of surgery and not being about to move around i went from 180 to 219. after meeting her and being motivated to get back to the old me I'm down to 190 now. I'm sure once we get home from this deployment (we deployed together) i will be going out with the wife and being a statistic. lol
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) sounds like you live in a war zone! Speak softly but swing hard with a hard stick....Sorry about the surgery. Glad to see things are looking up (or down if we are talking about weight) for you. Stay in the fight. Surround yourself with men that are always better than you. My personal philosophy.
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited >1 y ago
Erik panama
Yes, but it is a reversible trend, not a law.
Guilty as charged,,,, and self correcting the last few years......

<<<< look at the face to the left
and that of a lean Light-fighter in 1990. ^^^

24 years married as of this month.
Overall gain 33 lbs (138 to 171, though not all BF)
Currently 11 lb off my target goal and 15% BF, looking to get to 12% and STAY there.
Weight lost in the last few years= Medical fixes allowing full physical viability and desire to never again have a waistline larger then inseam
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez That is a real goal to strive for, an inseam equal to your waist. I like it and will borrow it, adapt it, and make it my own. I give you full credit right now. Thanks for the tidbit.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
SSG(P) (Join to see)

LOL one suggestion based on your response.. Work at changing your waistline size, not your inseam
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez Not sure that is possible, but I am picking up on the sarcasm...dually noted.
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