Posted on Nov 9, 2015
CPT Ahmed Faried
I think this is extraordinary, especially because we are in an era where distrust and/or hatred of Muslims or Arabs is seemingly de jure. With false claims of no-go zones or the sky is falling warnings of impending Sharia laws. What are your thoughts on this?

From the Christian Science Monitor:

The city of Hamtramck, an enclave of Detroit, made history this week when it became what is likely the first city in America to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

Historically Polish, the city of about 22,000 voted three Muslim Council candidates onto the six-member panel, one of whom was an incumbent Muslim council member not up for reelection this year. This means that the freshly formed council now has a two-thirds Muslim majority. The mayor, Karen Majewski, is Polish.

According to Bill Meyer, a Hamtramck community leader who isn’t Muslim, the incumbent Muslim councilmen have accomplished a lot for the city.
"[They’ve] helped bring stability, security and sobriety while lessening the amount of drugs and crime in the city,” he told the Detroit Free Press.
The election was also a landslide, he added. "The election was far from close, with the three Muslim winners each gaining over 1,000 votes, while the other three candidates garnered less than 700 votes each."

Many believe it’s the first time an American city has elected a Muslim majority city council, though the city itself has been under a similar spotlight before. In 2004, Hamtramck garnered heavy attention when the city council allowed a mosque to broadcast its call to prayer from loudspeakers. Opponents claimed it was an intrusion of Islam into their lives.

At that point, only one city council member was Muslim.
But Hamtramck’s Muslim population has been steadily growing, thanks to heightened immigration. Today it is estimated that half of Hamtramck is Muslim. According to University of Michigan-Dearborn professor Sally Howell, Hamtramck might have become the first city to have a Muslim majority in 2013.

“The growth is taking place in these Muslim communities, and they are transforming the city scape,” Howell told Washington Post. “It’s become much more visible in the last 15 years.”

In the early 20th century, Polish immigrants flocked to Hamtramck because of a Dodge Brothers plant built in 1914. By the 1970s, Polish-Catholics made up 90 percent of the city. But Asian and Arab immigrants began to settle there as the Poles moved to the suburbs. Most of them come from Bangladesh and Yemen.

The latest US Census surveys found that Hamtramck is now 24 percent Arab, mostly Yemeni, 19 percent African American, 15 percent Bangladeshi, 12 percent Polish, and 6 percent Yugoslavian. Out of the four new Muslim council members, three are Bangladeshi and one is Yemeni.

Getting to a Muslim majority wasn’t easy. In the past, Muslim candidates have been harassed, accused of terrorism, and some Bangladeshi voters were asked to show proof of citizenship by poll workers.

One of the winners Tuesday is Saad Almasmari, a 28-year-old student who received the highest percentage of votes – 22 percent. He moved to the US in 2009 and two years later, he became a US citizen.

At the end of the day for Hamtramck, he said, it’s not about religious unity.

“Although we are Muslims, it doesn’t have anything to do with serving the community,” Almasmari said. “It’s not about religion. It’s not about Muslim unity. We are planning to work for everyone.”
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 14
LTC Immigration Judge
Non-issue. I won't hold a politician's Muslim faith against them any more than I will a politician's Christian or Jewish faith. Their job is to govern the city, not to convert it or force upon it religious laws. Honestly I am more concerned about Fundamentalist Christians than about moderate Muslims. Extreme fundamentalism in any faith is a very dangerous thing.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
>1 y
Agreed Sir. I appreciate your response.
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SGT Jeremiah B.
No reaction. How many city councils are majority Christian/Jewish/white/black/insert majority demographic here?
SSgt Alex Robinson
SSgt Alex Robinson
>1 y
Perfectly said. As long as they follow US laws and the constitution who cares?
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Col Joseph Lenertz
Based on their own words: "It’s not about religion. It’s not about Muslim unity. We are planning to work for everyone,” my reaction is "not a problem...maybe not even newsworthy." As long as their actions match their words, all is well, and this city will be better off as a result.
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
>1 y
But Muslim is a religion not a race or a country. It's like saying a christian or a wican is running for mayor. Why not ask from what country that person is or what are their qualifications.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
>1 y
Col Joseph Lenertz SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz The question that should be asked is does this Mayor believe in Sharia law and or will they be trying to enforce it?
DEARBORN MICHIGAN...another suburb area around Detroit. They have a Sheriff who is Muslim and believes in Sharia law. There has already been a few investigations in DEARBORN and it's a town/city that is being watched by many.
Recently more than ONE news outlet has gone into Dearborn and interviewed folks there....and the MAJORITY of them favor Sharia law.
All I have to say is SHARIA law does NOT belong in the has no business here.
Out of many of the interviews when asked since they prefer sharia law over the US constitution, and it's never going to be allowed to happen here, why do they stay. Most of them replied they stay because they LOVE the US and the freedom they have.
Isn't this contradicting themselves?
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
If you believe their words, they do not believe in Sharia. We shall see.
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