Posted on Jul 15, 2016
SSG Skylur Britz
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Responses: 27
SSG Roger Ayscue
It is a top shelf Cadet Program that normally runs about 10% of the entering class at the USAFA. My son is in it and is 14 years old. He has already taken ground school for his private pilots lisc, and is leaving next week for Search and Rescue School.

Message me for more info.
SSG Skylur Britz
SSG Skylur Britz
>1 y
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SSG Program Control Manager
Invent a time machine... the days of the A-10 are numbered. the Air Force has been trying to kill the program every year for a while now. Eventually they will succeed.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
As much as I hate to admit it, you are on the mark. By the time this young man gets commissioned and trained, the only A-10s there will be will be in the boneyard or sold to some other country. Probably one of the best air frames ever manufactured, though.
Capt Joseph Olson
Capt Joseph Olson
>1 y
Getting stuck in a doomed airframe is career suicide. But the young high schooler has almost a decade to see how the resurrection of the A-10 plays out.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Joseph Olson - It would be great if the Air Force could build an even more technologically advanced A-10 that specialized in doing everything the A-10 does at a an even lower price. Already the cost per flight hour of an A-10 is almost half that of the F-35, and less than a 1/3rd the cost of what it takes to fly an AC-130 or B-1B. What's the point of having aircraft that you can't afford to fly? The Army either needs to take over the ground support mission from the Air Force or convince the Air Force that it's ground support requirements can not be met by the F-35 or the B-1B which are simply to expensive.
Sgt Anthony Leverington
Sgt Anthony Leverington
>1 y
It'll be a sad day when the phase out the A-10. That is the single, most versatile aircraft currently in existence.
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Lt Col Aerospace Planner
Well the first step is to get into some sort of commissioning source after high school, like the USAFA or AFROTC. He will want to be proficient in math and science. If he does not get into a service academy, that is not a show stopper. Many people like myself got it out of ROTC.

Step 2 is to apply for a pilot slot when he is one year from graduating from college. The requirements that they look at are grades, PT scores, commanders recommendation and what is known as the pilot composite score or PCSM. The PCSM score is generated from the aptitude tests. When I got mine, the commander's recommendation carried the most weight for a single item. It is the make or break. Meaning someone may be weak in one of the other areas but get a good commanders rec and get a slot. Conversely a real strong candidate in the above areas may not get selected if the commander thinks they are a dirt bag. Also when applying for a pilot slot, they ask a question if you would take a Navigator or ABM slot if not selected. My advice is to say no.

Step 3. Once you have a pilot slot and graduate and commission and go to UPT, you have to be in the top 25% of your class and in the top 3 or 4 people to get into the T-38 track for tactical aircraft which are fighters, bombers and the A-10.
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