Posted on Nov 16, 2020
My unit’s MTOE is not authorized an 88M, how can I switch units?
My current company is not MTOEd an 88M SGT so I’m curious if this could aid me in trying to switch units. Or at the very least, Companies or BNs.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
If your current unit’s MTOE is not authorized an 88M then you are excess and is reported every month on the Unit Status Report (USR) if Regular Army, reserve component is done bi-yearly if not mistaken. What it means? Your unit organization’s strength manager ought to get you to an authorized position. And yes, it justify your reassignament to an authorized slot somewhere else. Just use some logic when you approach whomever that might be.
If you are Reserves, simply hit up your Career Counselor to do a unit search of Reserve units with a certain radius of your choosing to see who has open slots for your MOS and rank then submit transfer paperwork requests (involves contacting other unit to see if they'll accept you). If you are Active Duty, hit up your S1 and 3 to find out where open slots are. Then submit transfer request (4187).
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