Not sure if hiring managers really think like this or not ? If true we have a serious problem looking for work as Veterans.
A few years ago, I went to an Equal Employment Opportunity conference in Washington D.C. I took a class on "How to deal with former military bosses". The instructors were an Administrative judge and a lawyer. The amount of baloney that they spouted made me sick. If you didn't know better, we all are rampaging morons to them. I kept my mouth shut. What they didn't know was that over 50% of the attendees to their class were former military or active duty.
One of the ladies that was there with us was a civilian employee from the Pentagon. I didn't have to say a thing. The lady from the Pentagon went ballistic on them, and from there, we went to the organizers of the conference from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and presented a complaint.
That should tell you the mentality of many in the civilian community. It is sad, but true.
Be on performance and not on status”, director said. (That is a Lie) (it based on status and not on performance). Veteran’s Groups said manager’s Discrimination against Veterans. Just because they are Veterans