Posted on Sep 3, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Obama has proven to be feckless and ineffective.
Edited >1 y ago
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SCPO Carl Wayne Boss
Edited >1 y ago
I believe the only things O'Bama has been successful at... is creating greater division, hate and discontent between various factions of the Citizenry and has excelled at using Government against "We The People"... via the Dept. of Justice, the EPA, IRS and by using Bureaucrats in any number of those & other Departments of the Federal Government against the citizenry at large.

The economy is in shambles, job creation is at the lowest ebb its seen in years because of the ACA and other regulatory programs "The Administration" has instituted during his watch... and the Country is slowly spiraling into a economic and socially engineered morass from which it may never recover and if Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Sanders are elected as our next President, the destruction of the Country as we've known it in our life times is assured, as it will self-destruct as did the USSR, for a lot of the same reasons.

"It’s just mental immaturity and the words of someone who shouldn’t be taken seriously". Walt...
Indicating anyone's Opinion is "just mental immaturity and the words of someone who shouldn’t be taken seriously"... is in itself a degree of mental immaturity and should be taken with the proverbial "grain of salt"... and the "Degree" of Mr. O'Bama's success or lack there of... will be a long time in it's being proved or dis-proved!

Unfortunately I fear the "successes" will be more on the 'dis-proved' side of the scale... than the other and "We the People" will be the worse off for it.
MAJ Thomas Person
MAJ Thomas Person
8 y
Nice shooting Senior
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SSgt Jim Gilmore
Keep dreaming, Captain....

President Barack Hussein Obama is certainly a President of firsts. Here's a fairly comprehensive list: (Read them and weep for our nation)

1st African-American President (actually 1/2 African-American) in history.
1st President to come out in open support of gay/lesbian marriage, even though 31 US States have amended their State Constitutions defining marriage as only between one man and one woman.
1st President to claim that under his presidentcy the, "rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
1st President to rack up over 5 trillion dollars in debt in less than four years.
1st President to literally bow to foreign heads of state.
1st President to have the national debt exceed 10, 11 , 12 , 13 ,14 and 15 trillion dollars.
1st President to preside over a cut in the credit rating of the United States.
1st president whose Attorney General (or any active member of his cabinet) was citred for contempt of Congress, and in a bi-partisan vote.
1st president to utilize Executive Privelege to cover for his Attorney General about an activity the President claims to have not been involved in, and know nothing about.
1st president whose Attorney General actively lied to Congress and then later had to rescind his testimony regarding his knowledge of a gun running plan to Mexican drug cartels.
1st president whose Attorney General presided over an illegal sale of thousands of illegal weapons to the Mexican drug cartels.
1st President whose Attorney Genral dismissed charges against New Black Panthers who were filmed wearing camo fatigues, wielding billy clubs at voters during the 2008 elections. He dropped the charges.
1st President to have his signature legislation ruled unconstitutional on the grounds it was written on, only to have it ruled constitutional on a tax authority for which it was not written.
1st President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel ready jobs that he later admitted never existed.
1st President to loan hundreds of billions to solar firms going bankrupt, then re-write the loans so the taxpayers were in last place when they went bankrupt and his supporters then walked away rich.
1st President to have coninuous 8% or higher unemployment for over a continuous three year period.
1st President to have millions of Americans give up and leave the searching work force, which made a 10-12% unemployment rate look like it was only 8%.
1st President to preside over a period where over 45% of the American public paid no taxes.
1st President to proclaim at a conference with a foreign leader that the United States is not a Chrsitian Nation.
1st President to appoint a Secretary of Treasury (and five other top posts), an individual who is a tax evader owing the US government tens of thosuands of dollars.
1st President to have over 45% of the American people on Government assistance.
1st President to publically threaten the Supreme Court while it was deciding a case...particular a case regarding his own initiative.
1st President to preside over passing legislation to take over the entire health industry, which proposal and legislation is what the Supreme Court is deciding on.
1st President to deliver a eulogy for a communist activist (Saul Mendelson)
1st President to openly refuse to uphold Federal Law (the Defene of Marriage Act), openly violating his oath of Office to protect and defend the constitution and bear true faith and allegiance to it.
1st President to have 17 vacations in his first four years.
1st President to issue an unlawful recess appointment when the Senate was not in recess (against the advise of his own Justice Department).
1st President to repeatedly and purposely fail to issue Presidential statements at Christmas and Easter.
1st President to call for our ally, Israel to retreat back to the pre-war 1967 borders.
1st President to actively support the overthrow of an allied leader, at peace with Israel, in Egypt and support his replacement by militant Islamics, the Muslim bortherhood.
1st President to cancel the celebration of the National Day of Prayer at the White House but hold a day of Islamic Prayer there during Ramadan.
1st President to sue a State for requiring valid IDs to vote.
1st President to halt deportation of illegal aliens in order to issue them temporary work permits, using his executive powers inappropriately to givve them amnesty.
1st President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing Oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
1st President to sign a bill permitting the government to hold anyone suspected of association with terrorism indefinitely, without due process, no indictment, no judge or jury, no evidence or trial.
1st President to appoint 45 czars to issue directives in lieu of legislation
1st President to bypass Congress and implement the DREAM ACT by executive fiat.
1st President to threaten a private Auto Company (Ford) after it publically made light of bailouts to GM and Chrysler.
1st President to threaten insurance companies after they publically complained that the President's health care legislation was why the had to increase rates.
1st President to terminate America's ability to put a man in space.
1st President to require private companies to disclose their political contribution records before being able to bid on government contracts
1st President to golf over 90 times in his first four years.
1st President to have 22 personal assistants/servants for the 1st lady.
1st Presidnet to have a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000/year at taxpayer expense.
1st president to defy a Federal Court order to cease implementing his "Health Care Reform" law.
1st President to tell a private manufacturing company which state it could or could not locate a factory in.
1st President to refuse to comply with a Congressional Oversight Committee supoena.
1st President to withdraw an existing coal permit to a private company that had been properly applied for and granted years earlier.
1st President to take over a US Auto Company and determine who its executives would be.
1st President to aborgate US Bankruptcy law so he could turn the company over to his Union supporters.
1st President to issue an Executive Order making his educational, travel, and health history a national security secret.
1st President to fire an inspector General of Ameri-corps for catching a friend of the president in a corruption case.
Yep...this is the list of "1st"s this President, Barack Hussein Obama, has accomplished in his first four years.

And the nation was ignorant enough to give him four more years....
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SPC Sheila Lewis
He learned every aspect of the American political system and used it to his advantage using it against us.
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
He has been successful only in further dividing the country. That's the mark of, as COL Burleson state, an immoral and corrupt person who cares nothing for others except his own quest for power and money.
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MSgt Security Business Analyst
My insurance premiums went up, I now have an abortion clause in it (which costs extra), and my "Cadillac" plan may be going away due to my employer's cost for it. That is must be what you are referring to as success.
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Maj John Bell
Any chance you are gaming the system? Say something you know will get under the collective RP skin and accumulate points.
MAJ Thomas Person
MAJ Thomas Person
>1 y
Points? I thought were all just talking smack. :-) Well said Major Bell
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Maj John Bell
I don't. I don't think anything he has done is irreparably broken. But I do believe it will take decades to fix, once we figure out how to fix it.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
President Obama by any objective standard is the best president in 50 years.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
"...any objective standard..." Is a pretty bold statement. You've already marginalized me, and dismissed that I might have some legitimate concerns. I think we've only had one good President in 50 years, I do not state that as fact. I state it as my opinion. But I'm ready to learn. Convince me. Here are my top 5 issues: 1)Household discretionary income - High is good. 2) National Debt - Low is good 3) Households dependent on government subsidies - Low is good 4) Consolidation of Power at Federal Level - Bad 5) Relations between and within the three branches of our government.
Additionally, I cannot point out any shining examples or achievements that I whole-heartedly think are great. Finally, there are times that I have been outright embarrassed, by no means a complete list but I'll cite a few. 1) James Taylor - You've Got a Friend" serenade after Charlie Hebdoe in Paris. 2) Rush to judgment of police in the Henry Louis Gates arrest. 3) Where was he during the Benghazi Consulate attack 4) Failure to attend Justice Scalia funeral 5) Return of the Churchill Bust to England 6) Gift of movies on Blu-ray to the Queen of England. 7) Chewing gum while he walks with foreign dignitaries. 8) Boast to Republican he asked to the White House "I won". 9) Affordable Healthcare Act.
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
>1 y
And the beat goes on....
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LTC David Brown
I really don't think President Obama is that "successful ". We will have added over $9 trillion dollars in national debt when Obama leaves office. The total national debt from when Obama took office will have doubled. We are living on an artificial bubble that is going to burst.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Did it bother you when Reagan tripled the national debt?

LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Well let's look at a real comparison of debt. Obama's federal debt dwarfs Reagan's
By Sierra Rayne

The Washington Post has an article with the following claim:

Obama's term isn't over, but it is hard to believe he could increase the debt by as large a percentage as Ronald Reagan did.

To arrive at this spurious conclusion, the Post apparently used non-inflation adjusted, non-seasonally adjusted raw total federal debt data from the Federal Reserve, and then proceeded to ignore normalization to either the size of the economy or population, and calculated the percent increase in this metric between January 1, 2009 and the latest data as of July 1, 2014 for Obama as compared to the percent increase between January 1, 1981 and January 1, 1989 for Reagan.

Using this intellectually flawed approach, one arrives at numbers of a 184-percent increase under Reagan and a 60-percent increase under Obama.

The absolute nominal value of the U.S. federal debt has no meaning whatsoever. It is an effectively useless statistic. By the Post's logic, having debt increase by 300 percent from $1 to $3 would be less desirable than having debt increase by 50 percent from $10 trillion to $15 trillion. Factor in higher rates of population growth, inflation, and economic growth under Reagan versus Obama, and it becomes obvious that nominal total debt comparisons are meaningless. Let us not forget that real GDP growth in 1984 was 7.3 percent; the next-highest value since was just 4.7 percent in 1999.

The best metric is normalization to the size of the economy. As is clear from the figure below, under Reagan the federal debt increased from 30.8 percent of GDP in January 1981 to 49.6 percent of GDP in January 1989, for a total increase of 18.8 percent of GDP. By comparison, the federal debt under Obama has increased from 77.4 percent of GDP in January 2009 up to 101.3 percent of GDP as of the latest data release in July 2014, for a total increase of 23.9 percent.

Consequently, in order for Obama's debt increase to be no larger than Reagan's, Obama would need to reduce the federal debt by 5.1 percent of GDP between now and January 2017.

The other valid comparison is to look at per capita federal debt in constant dollar terms. We can get at this number by multiplying the federal debt as a percentage of GDP (shown above) by real GDP in chained 2009 dollars and then dividing by the population. Via this approach, Reagan increased the real per capita federal debt by $8,584, whereas Obama has already increased the real per capita federal debt by $15,177.

Whichever way you look at it, Obama has already increased the federal debt far more than Reagan ever did.

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Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - No, because it served its purpose. The Soviet Union tried to keep up with us on military spending. It brought about their economic collapse and subsequent break up.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Capt Mller, yes, the problem was Reagan had a Democratic congress. Reagan horse traded that is why we had tax increases etc.
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CW3 Jim Norris
If by successful you mean 'true to his Marxist ideology', then I cede the point. Ever read his book? OK, so he has federalized 1/5 of the American economy (ObamaCare) over the objection of most citizens, he has set the middle east on fire with his inaction, bifurcating nonsense responses, he has endangered the only Democracy in the region (Israel) and collapsed the economy while piling up more debt than ALL other presidents combined - success, yes if your desire is to diminish American influence around the globe and accelerate the process of making us into a third world all measurable means success beyond my wildest fears. Thank you spineless RINOs in both the house and senate.
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SGT Bryon Sergent
HE HAS!!!!!!!!! Not to what I have seen or care about. But I will not talk politics. One of the fopas in conversation. I was raised you don't talk about sex iin mixed company, religion outside of the home or church, and NO POLITICS!

Personally, I can't wait till he is gone and pray we don't get Hilary, All I got to say about that!
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