Posted on Nov 2, 2016
1SG Vet Technician
I am just throwing this out as a vignette. I am curious what kinds of things leaders could do, would do, and should do. At what phase in their career does this become a career ender (BLC, ALC?) [Other branch equivalent professional military education as well]

Again, not an issue for me..just a conversational topic.
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Responses: 21
1SG(P) Signal Support Systems Specialist
As a leader, understanding why the SM failed out regardless of what PME, PT Test or Weapons Q. This would be the first step to helping the SM. Everyone has a bad day, I sure do. Retraining and teaching the SM is being a leader. I do this a lot with my commo section. Talking to them as a group and one on one. A leaders responsibility to me is caring about the SM, not because the Army say I need to because I'm In a leadership position, but actually care. You can only do so much for a SM, I do understand that. And at some point its time to send them on there way. But if your not giving a 100% to the SM, well your wrong.
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SFC Senior Operations Nco &Amp; Travel Executive To The Senior Enlisted Advisor, Cngb
Mentor them regardless of anything.
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I was informed that I could not negatively reflect on their NCOER because I had not counseled them to pass the mandatory MOS required course... mind blown
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Sir, that does seem pretty outrageous. However, at my past school house they drilled it into us that we need to counsel every action/requirement we expect of them. Moreover, remark anything out of the normal expectations the marine displays; good or bad. Seems like someone took a formality a little too seriously.

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