Posted on Dec 29, 2014
PO1 Michael Fullmer
Obama... no wonder the military hates this knuckle-head. Only recently posting on multiple news site, after turning down a wedding invitation from 2 Army Capt.'s who were getting married at one of the most picturesque golf courses on the big island, and only hours before the wedding the happy couple receives a note telling them that they would have to re-locate the wedding as his highness was intending to play a round at that very same course at that very same time... comments/concerns?
Posted in these groups: Golf logo GolfWedding logo Wedding
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Responses: 46
PFC Jim Mills
Can you say arrogant
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Cpl Peter Martuneac
I seriously doubt he knew there was a wedding going on and that his people forced them to move, as evidenced by his phone call to them.
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SSG(P) Instructor
I think we need to respect the position, even if you don't respect rhe this case. A retiree is earning a check from the government and therefore should conical uphold the high standards of an officer or SNCOS or CPO. I've personally never heard of anyone losing their retirement after the fact, but there is no doubt somewhere there is some fine print that the government can take it away.

I'm not sure Why RP Admin doesn't edit this comment, I've had a few of my comments edited...leaving it there condones bad behavior. Shouldn't that be policy, If a comment will cause racial tension, a message is sent to OP that their comment was deemed offensive or violates the standards of RP? I believe a private scolding is better than a public one.

This was unprofessional, on both sides.

This is a PR nightmare...his staffers should of informed him that two Army Captains were getting married...if they had, I'm sure he would of waited...or played around them. Either way, his apology was given, albeit weak, but he honorable thing to doo.
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SPC Stephanie Oanes
First off, this discussion starts off with disrespect, "knuckle-head." Granted, I'm not a huge Obama supporter but I'm not going to diss the POTUS on a military discussion board. Obama called the newlyweds afterwards and apologized and wished them a happy marriage. At least he did that, he didn't have to.
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CPT Brian Kent, PhD
There are two things here that don't make sense and the press has blow this out of proportion. One I concur this POTUS has some bone heads working his staff. He should clean house around him. Having worked with POTUS teams first hand, the President has no clue what is happening out in front of him a majority of the time. He has an event on his calendar that he wants to do and the staff move out and say yes boss. My understanding was he called them to apologize after he found out and the resort also gave them an upgraded wedding location for their inconvenience.
Two why didn't someone on the team think enough about the political backlash in this to question what was happening. It seems that there is no thought by the Chief of Staff or immediate team to try to minimize his public embarrassment. All of us Veterans remember AARs and SOPs. It seems this would be a pretty good place for them to begin in trying to get better.
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SSG (ret) William Martin
The President should have invited the newlyweds for a round of golf. I hear the President is rather good at golf. Whether I like of dislike the current policies in place, I love to play against him in a round of golf.
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SSG Retired!!!
well.....this is the dumbest post ever
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SGT Graduate Student
I had to look up the definition of "lunacy" and I see the proper place for that word. To blame everything and anything on the President is lunacy. Something tells me this is never gonna end but morph into something else.
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PV2 Abbott Shaull
I would rather agree that this isn't the proper forum to address such issue in this way. Granted I don't agree with the current Administration on a lot of issues myself, but I do try to keep it respectable, due to the fact that he is in fact the Commander-in-Chief until he leaves Offices. Don't have respect him as a person, but we should respect the Office he holds, regardless of the lack of respect he tends to show towards the Military and people serving in Military Uniforms.

Granted that retirees and Veterans aren't serving, they should respect the fact that others who will be tempted to respond to their postings are. No sense of baiting someone who is now serving into saying something that they should be while on duty.

Getting little tired of the everyone calling him, "His highness". Let not forget that when there were mess of Republicans back in 2009 that got pressured into passing the bill, and proved something, that people outside of Washington had be suspecting for years. That many of the people passing these bills, and even the President, rarely read what they were passing and signing. Making a mockery of the Constitution as it was written. He not the only President to enact laws and what not, without consulting Congress first. Now with that said, he both him and members of both parties in both the House and Senate would get off their darn high horse, and start working together to make laws that work for the U.S., and not laws, that harm the working class of America, or what is left of it. It would be a great thing.

As for him pressing on for his Golf game, well the Golf Course should of told him sorry, he had to change his T-time. Or go to another Golf Course, that simple. Then again that is just me, I don't buy this the President comes into town, and everyone caters to him. When this couple has had their wedding planned for months. When we teach our kids to do the right thing, and here the President of U.S. is using his Position in abusive way. Kinda hard to explain why it alright for the President of the United States to take some one planned special moment. I guess if the Pope came along and wanted to hold Mass on the 18th hole before he finish his game, he would be allowed to start too.
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COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM
Edited >1 y ago
A few thoughts:
- Wedding invitation. Not a surprise that any President would RSVP regrets to a wedding invitation of two individuals that he had never met even if both individuals are service members.
- Wedding relocation. Reports I have seen are that POTUS did not know about the relocation until after his golf and the wedding were complete. I normally question media reports but this makes sense. Does anyone really believe that POTUS gets to that level of detail for a gold round or is it more likely that he says "I want to go golfing on such and such date time group at this location" and that his staff and the secret service make it happen?
- POTUS Upon Notifiation. Reports are that POTUS personally called the couple and apologized. Can be argued that POTUS did not have to do this and could have delegated it. Argues well that he did it personally.
- I am not normally an Obama supporter but there are bigger fish to fry than this and for far better reasons. The outrage in this case does not match the facts as I understand them.
PV2 Abbott Shaull
PV2 Abbott Shaull
>1 y
Yes, I tend to agree with you, in this case the President didn't know a lot of things going on. The people who handle such details made poor decisions on behalf of the President and of the Golf Course.
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