SM submits retirement paperwork last week. Paperwork is signed by company CDR and is currently as base MPD. Soldier receives notification today that they were placed on assignment with a report date of Nov 2019. Would the fact that the SM retirement paperwork having already been submitted delete the PCS?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
If the retirement was not approved prior to him being placed on assignment, he will need to resubmit his retirement to be in lieu of PCS and once that retirement is approved he will be deleted. Unless it has changed retirement in lieu of PCS has to happen with-in six months of the PCS notification date rather than the one year you normally get. Also, you cannot withdraw a retirement that is submitted in lieu of PCS.
MSG Gary Eckert
SFC Alehandra Philip - You will have to let me know how it works out. I know that when I was on active duty if the retirement was not approved prior to the Soldier being notified of the PCS then the application could only be submitted in lieu of PCS. Whoever works the retirement is going to check whether the person is on orders and if they do, they should see he is not eligible to apply in lieu of PCS. Back then approval was the key because it kept Soldiers from back dating their application.
SFC Alehandra Philip
MSG Gary Eckert so the SM packed got pushed up to HRC and was approved.. His PCS assignment got deleted and he received his retirement orders.
SFC Alehandra Philip
HRC is the approval authority.. However according to SM Branch Manager the packet should still go through the process since it was started before he placed the Soldier on assignment..
CW4 Craig Urban
We are not at war. Hrc cannot disapprove a retirement. They drag their feet. Why after vietnam did they rif captains at 17 years and 9 months.
MSG Gary Eckert
War has nothing to do with it. There are a number reasons why a Soldier may not qualify for voluntary retirement even though they might have sufficient service including service remaining requirements for promotion or permanent change of station, pending court martial, or as in this Soldier's case on orders and does not meet the criteria to retire in lieu of PCS. Some of those reasons are waiverable by HRC as the approving authority. Without a waiver HRC can disapprove the request to retire.
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