Posted on Jun 16, 2015
Should the US be concerned over it's lack of icebreakers?
The US only has one functional heavy icebreaker, owned by the Coast Guard. The Navy relies upon it as they have none of their own. Russia has over 20, with the importance of accessing natural resources in the Arctic, shouldn't this be a priority?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
Absolutely we should have more icebreakers. The polar regions are going to be areas of strategic interest for trade and minerals for the next decades. The powers-that-be in Washington are selling us short, and this capability has been allowed to dwindle for many years.
Yes, future planning hopefully will include budgeting for at least 4 ice breakers before it become an imminent need
Very good point ? USA should have at least 2 of them on the ready especially around Alaska.... on call?
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