Army Times: Veterans groups upset with Carson's plan to eliminate VA
From Army Times
Veterans groups upset with Carson's plan to eliminate VA
From Army Times
Veterans groups upset with Carson's plan to eliminate VA
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
SFC(P) (Join to see) No, it shoudl be overhaul and reorganized. If you have any ideas or comments please join the conversation and work effort that is being put together by three great RP Members Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS, CPT (Join to see), and LTC John Shaw. Take a look at this post - we need all the input and feedback we can get:
White Paper: Crowd-sourcing a Solution to the Dept of Vet Affairs | RallyPoint
All Con. Based on recent running discussions, it is beyond obvious that there is an issue with the Department of Veterans Affairs. At the urging of [~138758:COL Mikel Burroughs] a few members of the RP Community are developing a "White Paper" with a proposal on how to "Fix" this issue. The major advantage of the RP community is not only its size, but it's breadth of Knowledge, Experience, but also the fact that we care about this issue. We...
This is where Dr. Carson shows his weakness as a presidential candidate. This is at best, a "misinformed" opinion, which could leave millions of Veterans out in the cold when it comes to future health care. Many Veterans have served with distinction, and deserve the aid that the VA system provides for them. Is the system perfect ? No, and this is why we need a strong presidential candidate who is willing to address this. Dr Carson's plan to just add the VA type services to the DOD would be adding a huge new pot of problems to a DOD that already has their own full plate.
Dr. Carson seems to be a nice enough person, but this is one area where he is absolutely, flat-out wrong! What needs to happen to the VA is to eliminate the majority of the upper echelons, and filling required slots with those who have spent sufficient time (4 years minimum) in the trenches taking care of Veterans. Second, the whole nonsense of "bonuses" needs to be eliminated! Whoever heard of getting a bonus for doing your job? Bonuses, especially in this instance, does nothing except encourage employees to lie about their accomplishments. The VA needs restructuring, and a good old fashioned house cleaning, but I believe it can be salvaged and turned around!
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