Posted on Aug 25, 2015
RallyPoint Team

Two women made history last week by being the first of their gender to graduate from the U.S. Army Ranger School, but are voters ready for women in elite combat-fighting units?

The answer is yes. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% of Likely U.S. Voters favor the military allowing women to participate in combat missions with special operations forces like the Army Rangers and the Navy SEALs. Twenty-seven percent (27%) oppose allowing women to participate in these high-risk missions, while 12% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Women are only slightly more accepting than men of women serving in special operation forces. But 73% of voters under the age of 40 like the idea, compared to just over half of their elders.

Among all voters, 56% continue to think that women in the military should be allowed to fight on the front lines and perform all the combat roles that men do. But while 44% still think the growing role of women in the armed services is good for the military, that’s the lowest level measured since late 2013.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on August 19-20, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points...

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Responses: 33
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
It's never a question of what should be "allowed." It's always a question of specifically why something should be "disallowed."

We're the land of Freedom.

When you ask the question "Should X be allowed?" we are working backwards from the philosophy of this country. We are just starting from the wrong direction.

When you reverse the question to its correct form "What specific reason would disallow this?" it ensures Freedom is maintained. It forces People to critically think about the issue, rather than react with emotion.
PO3 Electrician's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
9 y
SFC Jack S. - never thought in that way ... ... hmmm
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
9 y
You know in some countries such as those in Africa and in Asia children are pretty good fighters too. Maybe we should just have divisions of women and children or female children since as CPT Pedro Meza said the women fighters in Columbia were tougher than he was and tougher than some Columbian men.
PO1 Kenneth Cardwell
PO1 Kenneth Cardwell
9 y
I served with Navy Seals and the men are pumped up with Testosterone for battle and combat. They need this hype for combat and not for looking at a bunch of females. No pun intended. men look at women. Special forces are family and if they need urinate, poop or whatever in front of each other, so be it. are females really ready for this? If they serve together, then they need to eat sleep and live as one and not as men and women!
SSG Juan Serrano
SSG Juan Serrano
9 y
The qhestion as the writer saked it is worded correctly since there has never been women allowed in SPECIAL OPS in the U.S. Army until now.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Congratulations to our own LTC (Join to see) who passed Ranger Basic as a 30 something mother - a feat many younger soldiers can't do... HUAH!!!!!
CPT Elizabeth Foster
CPT Elizabeth Foster
9 y
As a mother of 4, I can say there have been days I'd have rather been in Ranger School! ;)
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
9 y
I have met three women in my life that have gone through childbirth AND a kidney stone and ALL three told me, and my wife, that they will chose childbirth over a kidney stone any day. One of these women was an ER nurse. Well I have had 7 kidney stones 2 that were the pain was so bad they made me pass out. Check and mate. :-)
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
9 y
My Sister-in-law is an RN and she went through a kidney stone that put her in the hospital. I've dealt with gall stones but not kidney stones, thankfully...
CPT Elizabeth Foster
CPT Elizabeth Foster
9 y
As a nurse I have to ask those of you who've had multiple episodes kidney stones if anyone ever suggested dietary changes to help in the prevention of kidney stone formation? I wouldn't wish those on my worst enemy!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
My opinion like LCDR (Join to see) remains the same as well. I believe that every man and woman that wants to apply for combat positions and the various special operations groups in the various service branches should have that right and meet the standards set by the program. They are there for a reason.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
Cpl Brett Wagner - you talk of the past, in today's guerilla wars driven by fanatical religious misguided men that hate and fear women, and abuse young boys, employing a divers ARMY can be effective if trained properly. I speak from experience, women soldiers have gotten into areas where men could not and the Intel that the gather was effectively used. I used Gay soldiers and sailor to expose Taliban passing for villagers because the Taliban has gay radar and their eyes betrayed them and they were dealt with. I see potential in all and find ways to use them effectively. Modern warfare is about adapting.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
Cpl Brett Wagner - also you do have a good idea about a group of SF women, they can use the Palos Athena as their patch and deploy in small teams similar to how we do with SF and Special Ops, in many ways that was the idea behind the FET and CST teams unfortunately the narrowed minds of men driven by the fear of how the US would take it and also fear of pissing off the religious misguided men the teams were not adequately used.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
9 y
CPT Pedro Meza - So the Taliban have gay radar? Isn't that prejudging gays? I have met people before that I did not know are gay until they told me but maybe my gay radar is broken probably made in China. lol If you think there was not guerrilla warfare in WW II I think you may need to go back and read some history books. The Germans were some of the best guerrilla fighters ever. They had this group called the Waffen-SS (NOT to be confused with the political SS “Schutzstaffel”) the special forces soldiers, we had army Rangers doing the same in Europe, Marine Raiders in the pacific along with Navy frogmen. So guerrilla warfare was not invented in the last 30 years. However if it turns out that you are right and women are the meanest dudes or dudettes(?) then I will stand down, apologize publicly. Having trained in multiple forms of martial arts and faced many tough women I never met one that would/could over power me. Now that I am 53 there are probably many women who could take me down but not a 53 year old woman. I must say iI am a bit concerned that an army trained soldier and four Columbian soldiers were neutralized by two women.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
Cpl Brett Wagner - I did not critize the Taliban for lusting over our gay soldiers, I was grateful that they did and yes I knew but since the reg was Don't Ask Don't Tell, I did not ask and they did not tell. During WWII our OSI conducted guerilla warfare against the enemy (German, Japanese and Italians). As for Colombia in 85, it was as stalemate, recal that President Reagan had given orders not to call attention to our selves. It is not about being the meanest, it is about what they bring to the fight against men driven by misguide religious beliefs were women are consider lower class and the worst death would be at the hands of a woman. Meaning they would love to die by your hands but they fear the hands of a woman. It is your choice as to how these idiots should die, but perhaps not because at your age you are not fighting, but there are women that are more capable then you that will.
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