Posted on Oct 20, 2014
SSG Combat Medic
What can you do with/for a Soldier that says they cannot afford to send their ASU's to alterations and cleaners? This Soldier lives in the barracks and goes out on the weekends.
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Responses: 28
SFC Mark Merino
Start the paperwork. Failure to maintain their assigned clothing and equipment. Make room for the next soldier who puts dedication to duty ahead of Class VI livations.
SPC Paul Prevost
SPC Paul Prevost
10 y
You could offer him up to the CSM as a human sacrifice, them guys are always looking for a troop to make an example of.
CSM Michael Lynch
CSM Michael Lynch
10 y
Send him to financial training and if it continues, he gets one of his boots to the curb SFC Mark Merino said also
SSG Ronald Rollins
SSG Ronald Rollins
10 y
As an NCO you have to start the paperwork and also try to mentor that person. Check them on friday to make sure all i good to go. If not they dont go out. It is a pain but it is your job as a leader. If that dont work NJP then go froom there. I was always taught if your soldiers fail you fail as a leader.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
10 y
As a senior leader, I would spend a bit of time to ensure I knew the WHY.... if it is as it appears, then Id remind that SM's supervisors of the appropriate counseling that needed to be done.
and I'd note on the next PERSTAT we had a 90day loss

If it was an inability to manage finances or an understanding of his responsibilities than there would be a fair attempt to educate.
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CMSgt James Nolan
That my friend is not a financial problem, it is poor judgement. There is a difference.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
10 y
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Just what I was thinking.
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1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
Leader Action Step 1: Sit down with Soldier, have him lay out all expenses vs income after taxes (i.e. car payment, cable + sports package, cell phone, car insurance, any investments (unlikely and local strip club does not count), any other bills (fancy tires/rims); car speakers-stereo, sirrus radio, etc! subtract total from net income received. if any money left over, he's lying!
Step 2. IF no money left over, let him know you're contacting his parents advising of situation and then referring him ACS for financial management. Often this embarrassment will snap a trooper into reality and help get him/her on track PDQ.
STEP 3: ACS Financial Manager- ACS can contact creditors and work out payment plans at lesser monthly rate, teach him how to pay himself first and begin saving a little each month; Also develop and implement a budget plan. DO not babysit him, this Soldier is a grown as man, time he act like one and be treated as one. Counsel in writing every action taken. Follow up with him to see how he's doing, but don't keep your boot in his behind. It's on him to carry out the mission, your's to only motivate and urge.
STEP 4- if you know this is a truly good young Soldier, who just does not have the skills, and you feel the need to take the tiime, sit down with him and his bills and watch him pay them. I did this for 4 Soldiers over my career. When they got paid (we got paid cash at the end of the month back then by the pay officer), I had an envelop in which they initially placed $100 dollars in each month, envelop went into company safe. Bills were paid sitting at my desk, put in envelop and together we put in mailbox. This was in the early days of my career, in the early 80s as a PSG.
What ever you do, ensure actions and counselings are in writing and you're covering what the Soldier isn't doing correctly and corrective actions you and others have taken. If after all this and he still has his head up his forth point of's past time to move him out and become a civilian. I have seen on ocassions where the phone call to the parents hae paid off tremendously. A cussing out by upset parents letting PVTJohnny Retard know, he's not coming back home if he gets booted out of the Army can do wonders for some problem Soldiers...not all ...but it does work for some.

And lastly, if this Soldier has been a problem child for some time, then SFC Mark Merino , SGT Richard H. and MSG Wade Huffman have hit the nail on the finish driving it in thru his forehead and move have other Soldiers to tend to and training to conduct. Good luck!
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
SSG (Join to see) wanted to add, good question/topic. Shows your conern and care for your Soldiers. Well done!
SSG Combat Medic
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
1SG Randall McPherson thank you for your advice.
SSG Laboratory Nco
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
Best course of action I have seen or heard in 15 years. I'm going to remember this next time I have a Soldier that can't manage their finances.
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
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