Posted on Dec 2, 2014
PFC Infantryman
I'm curious on the community's thoughts about Stolen Valor. I have a number of friends who play Airsoft, paintball, etc. and they will wear morale patches on a uniform bought from eBay or somewhere like that. And they'll buy and wear Army unit patches, (101st Airborne, Ranger Tabs, U.S Army Service tapes, Army rank) and I know they haven't earned these ranks or tabs and don't belong to these units, and I ask them to remove the patches due to the fact they didn't earn them. But half of the time they will refuse saying it's their patch and they bought it so they can wear whatever they want to on the uniform. I'm not trying to be a total dick about it, but I've got family who've died wearing those unit patches and some died wearing a Ranger Tab, and other service tabs/patches. I'm not trying to be a total dick but I dont like it when people who haven't served put on those uniforms and patches just to play some paintball in. Or period if they haven't earned the patch. Any ideas?
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1SG Company First Sergeant
With the recent amount of stolen valor it is hard to keep up with all the different threads being posted here on RallyPoint. From this point forward if you have a stolen valor question, comment, and or post, then add it here. The posts that currently exist will stay, as we don't want to lose the already existing discussion content. If you have started a stolen valor post prior to this and wish to have it merged to this one then feel free to let me know and I will merge that for you. The initial post will be gone but the discussion content will be merged to this posting.

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