Posted on Dec 3, 2014
1SG Company First Sergeant
With the recent amount of stolen valor it is hard to keep up with all the different threads being posted here on RallyPoint. From this point forward if you have a stolen valor question, comment, and or post, then add it here. The posts that currently exist will stay, as we don't want to lose the already existing discussion content. If you have started a stolen valor post prior to this and wish to have it merged to this one then feel free to let me know and I will merge that for you. The initial post will be gone but the discussion content will be merged to this posting.
Posted in these groups: 524395 331088503647420 191451722 n Stolen Valor
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Responses: 380
CPO Equipment Operator
He looks like a SUPER SOLIDER to me.
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SGT Motor Transport Operator
Who did his ribbons? Lol
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SGT Cargo Specialist
Is this guy for real the uniform is to loose and brown beret, all the ribbons are not in right place? He does not look like a CSM. Most High ranking NCO's don't want to look ate up like this idiot.
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SPC Water Treatment Specialist
Doesnt Even Have The Blue Infantry Bands Around His Collar
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SGT Robert Vollentine
Ok here are my feelings about this...Most of you seem to be mad because he hasn't earned the right to wear the uniform by actually serving and I certainly understand and on a small degree, I share those feelings. I saw the post saying this guy was arrested so this specific person doesn't support my point but I'm sure anyone with some intelligence can still make the connection. All of us have heard the saying that imitation is the highest form of flattery. This is how I look at most of the people that dress in military uniforms as long as they are not doing something outrageously ridiculous that would reflect poorly on the military branch he/she are posing as. It is not the uniform that makes us all Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines but it is the training, the hardships of multiple deployments, and most importantly the Brotherhood. Most of us would not have been willing to die for our best friends growing up but wouldn’t hesitate to put our lives in each other’s hands defending this great nation. You cannot replicate that kind of character, that kind of bond just by wearing the uniform. You only get that by living it. So if someone feels the need to boost their somewhat low self-esteem by posing as one of us, then let it be. As long as they do not reflect poorly on the service they are posing as. The entertainment business does this all the time and I never see these outbursts. How many times have you watched a military movie and noticed things done wrong and I’m not just referring to uniforms. All I’m saying is I’m proud to have served 13 years in the U.S. Army and it isn’t because of the uniform. It was because of the men and women that I served with each and every day. And now I will step down off my soapbox. Thanks for all that have served and currently serving. Stay safe and God Bless.
SSG Christopher Parrish
SSG Christopher Parrish
>1 y
While I agree with you that imitation is flattery, I don't think this guy or any other poser are imitating those they disgrace. I think they realize that there are still a majority of Americans who look up to the military and they just want the attention and occasional perks, without having to put in the time or blood/sweat/tears required to be a member of the military.
SPC Travis Grizzard
SPC Travis Grizzard
>1 y
Would you include screwing with the families of the fallen, thus pissing on the graves of the fallen, (metaphorically) "outrageously ridiculous"?
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SSG Michael Naukam

This faker is very obvious .
Cited for link above. This epic video shows two veterans of the marines confront a “fake Sergeant” posing in a military uniform.
At first, the marines are friendly to the man as they ask him questions about his service, but the tone of the conversation quickly changes when it becomes clear that the young man never served in the military.
Watch as the two veterans expose the young thug as the cowardly liar that he is!
SSG Christopher Parrish
SSG Christopher Parrish
>1 y
I have watched this video several times and I agree, those Marines held it in as long as they could. Based on how some Marines who are personal friends of mine act/think, I think the comment that he doesn't do PT because he is an officer is what set them off.
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MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
Another new one: [login to see] 25591.43 [login to see] 27267099/ [login to see] 20147/?type=1
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CSM Rene Rivera
I can't believe what I'm seeing. As a former CSM I took great pride in my uniform appearance and the appearance of other soldiers. This so called thief of valor is an obvious indicator of someone who never served the military or perhaps never got far enough to be in the glory of other soldiers who earned their uniform with honor and pride. I venture that if he comes across me at any facility in the near future in the Florida Region that his fate will not be a glorious one for him.
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SPC Brian Murray
so he had 7 x 6 months in combat zones and 30 years of service....i thought we wore all of our ribbons over the left side....
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SSG Dennis O'Connor
My thoughts? You really don't want to know my thoughts but since you opened that door he's a sorry assed faking POS who needs to be taken out to the front yard of the Pentagon and beaten to within an inch of his life. Then put in prison for being a worthless excuse for a waste of oxygen. Just remember you asked my opinion
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