Posted on May 27, 2015
Survey of Servicemembers and Veterans that were in the Boy Scouts of America and the highest Scout rank that each attained?
Responses: 48
Order of the Arrow and onto First Class. Loved the experience. Unfortunately, sports got in the way. Now, I'm paying it back as a Patrol Leader (Fanged Bunny Patrol, Pack #872) --Fear the Bunny!
MAJ (Join to see)
That's no ordinary rabbit, it's got a vicious streak a mile wide, look at the bones!
Earned my Eagle Scout in late 1979, went on to earn Bronze Palm as well being a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow.
CMSgt Richard B.
Sounds like my story SFC - early 1979, one bronze palm and also a Brotherhood member.
I earned Eagle, and all three Eagle palms. I am also a member of The Order of the Arrow.
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