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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Dec 24, 2014
Maj Stephen Parsons, PhD
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Responses: 23
Cpl Brett Wagner
Maj Stephen Parsons, PhD - I never had a supervisor tell me this but I wish I had. This is a great idea and I strongly encourage young troops and veterans to do this. This tool will be the number best thing when it comes to writing a resume.

I have heard and seen way too many "I love me walls". Then again I must admit if I had a PhD like you I would be shoving that around all the time. But at least I admit I would be doing that. Oh yes I would be a jerk about insisting everyone call me Dr. Wagner... I think anyone with a PhD has worked hard enough and deserves it.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
Thank you sir.
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
>1 y
Had a Corporal I worked for in '85 tell me to do it. I have had to buy bigger binders, but I have each and every certificate from '85 forward. I reference them, although in scanned form, fairly regularly for different things.

Aside from the professional reasons for having them, my purely personal one is that my daughter can at some point possibly say "hmm, perhaps dad was not a complete idiot"
Maj Stephen Parsons, PhD
Maj Stephen Parsons, PhD
>1 y
That's funny, I'm sure she won't think that, but I completely understand. I have three kids myself and it will be good to have around for when I forget all those things! Thanks for the post!
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
>1 y
It is also a great source of examples when you need to write an award, NCOER, etc.
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1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
I've been retired since 1996 and my book (3 ring-binder) has it's place on by book shelf and had collected years of dust as I hadn't opened, moved (or dusted) it in a very long time. I was recently contacted by a former E4 from our unit at Fort Bragg, where I had been her first sergeant.

She is now a Captain (Company Cdr) during our chat she happened to ask if I knew where she could get a copy of our Battalion orders for a Presidential Unit Citation we had been awarded during Desert Storm. I told her to hold on and give me about 5 minutes. I dug out "the book" which contained Letters of Appreciation; Certificates of Achievement; Promotion Orders; EERs-NCOERs; AAMs, ARCOMS, MSS, Good Conduct awards, etc.

After leafing thru it and near the back of the book, there it was. I had a copy of the orders she needed. So I immediately scanned it into my computer and sent it to her on FB where we had been talking. She was floored as she had been trying to find a copy for quite some time and said, "I knew if anyone had it, you would!"

You never know, when it may be needed, if not for yourself as a reference for resume preparation or for one of your former troops. I was glad to be able to help her out, not for me, but for her.

If you haven't started yet, do! Everything is maintained on file in computers, thumbdrives, and/or servers in the sky these days and an old fashioned hard copy (paper) may be to old fashioned for you. Whichever way works best for you....do it. Do not depend on a centralized DA system to do it for you; It could be hacked, destroyed, who knows! Make your own copy!

It won't hurt, but it may come in handy one day!
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
PV2 (Join to see) I have one at work that has all the Civilain evals, SF50s, awards as well. Then there is one that has all Certified Emergency Manager training, course(s) certificates etc. I guess I could say my life is a book (3 of them)!
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
LOL. Wow! You are ever so awesome my friend!
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Now you know that goes both ways!
CPT Craig Church, ASLA, LEED GA
CPT Craig Church, ASLA, LEED GA
>1 y
Cool, I got one of those books. It's in my attic. It also has every single order I ever received. It's a thick 6 in binder collecting dust.
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Sgt Jason West
I am not sure how many actually did it, but I always told my Marines to keep such a book. I didn't call it an I Love Me book, just simply said get a three ring binder and some document protectors and keep EVERY certification, award, diploma, everything in there. It may not help you a bit now, but someday it might when looking for a job. Had MSgt tell me that when I was a boot LCpl and I have had one ever since.
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