Posted on Apr 16, 2014
The New York Times Links Veterans to Hate Groups
This one sure popped out at me on my Facebook feed. What do you think about this?
Veterans advocates are denouncing an opinion piece in the New York Times that draws links between veterans and white supremacist groups in attempting to explain the actions of the suspected gunman i...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
In response to the Times artice...More media sensationalism. The military is a microcosm of society as a whole, therefore, whatever exists in society in general, exists in the military as well, good and bad... unfortunately the bad almost always get the press attention, and even more unfortunately there are those out there who will now draw the conclusion that the military are a bunch of racial supremacists. <div>Hopefully more veterans and service members will stand up against such accusations through their words and more importantly their actions. </div>
Hate can exist in ANY facet of society, but to zero in on such a broad swath of the population as "Veterans" is the work of the weak minded. Red, Black, Yellow, Brown or White, the person standing next to me when all hell breaks loose may not be blood but they are Family. With my limited experience in the sandbox, I cannot relate to fox hole pals or the like. But ship board, you worked out your issues just like a big disfunctional family, cause if a fire broke out or we went to battle turns, you had to rely on that guy or gal to do their job so that you could fight the ship. Did racism exist in that enviroment? I'm sure it did, but it did show it's face onboard...
Thought I was done with double backs when I retired, Nope 8 on 8 off 8 on and I think the next 8 on is extra coverage for the Memoria Tomorrow.
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