Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 346
LCpl Steve Wininger
I like the fact his second term is half over and we only have to deal with him for a couple more years.
SPC David Hannaman
SPC David Hannaman
>1 y
LCpl Steve Wininger - As a person of faith AND an analytical thinker, I humbly submit a theory for consideration:

Doesn't faith in the Bible *prove* Darwin's theory of evolution? Genesis 6:15 gives us the measurements of the ark, and they work out to 158.7m long by 26.45m wide by 15.87m high (520 feet 8 inches long by 86 feet 9.3 inches wide by 52 feet 0.8 inches high).

Now considering what it takes to feed an animal for over a year (Genesis 7 & 8) it stands to reason that there wasn't room to house the animals and support for the wide diversity of animal life that we see today... therefore I personally have to conclude that there were two Canine's on the ark (and probably small ones at that) and wolves, hyhenas and my Rottweiler evolved from them. Extrapolate that to felines: Two house cats, manageable, Two Lions, two Cheetahs, two Panthers, two Bobcats, etc... quickly becomes unmanageable.

Now where I start having a problem is when you start talking about Darwin's "origin of species" and the big bang theory... a cat evolving from a tomato plant doesn't make sense to me.

People are welcome to their own beliefs, it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes Genesis, Evolution, or even Revelation (the Bible's prediction of the future of mankind), Christ said "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I'd like my beliefs to be respected, so I'm COMMANDED by my beliefs to respect someone else's...

Matthew 22:14 tells me that "Many are called but few are chosen". I shouldn't expect everyone to share my viewpoint.

Titus 3:9 tells me "avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them."

These are MY fundamental beliefs. Not what some religious leader tells me is right just before they pass the offering plate, but the beliefs formed by what ***I*** have read in the Bible.
PO1 Kenneth Cardwell
PO1 Kenneth Cardwell
>1 y
Hope President Hillary gets a better response!
SSG Retired
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>1 y
SGT Scott Bailey - Your thinking Sgt Bailey just dumbfounds me as this man that you have so much admiration for is a traitor to this nation and has set race relations back to pre 1960's he is destroying this nation by flooding us with muslim fighters that are creating havoc with our city, state and schools he claimed to be a christian but has done more to destroy our christian beliefs and the very fabric that this nation was founded on the only thing that could possibly be worse for this nation is to elect Hillary as president as she is a traitor to this nation she brokered the sale of stinger missiles to a muslim nation and they found their way onto the field of combat in Afghanistan and even one of them was used to shoot down a CH47 Helicopter this was proved as the individual firing the weapon forgot to arm it and the serial number was obtained as the pilots were able to land the craft without the loss of a single life of one of our brothers in arms. this is what caused the entire Benghasi
SP5 Dave Critzer
SP5 Dave Critzer
4 y
Witch pres.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
Edited >1 y ago
I will admit that I have a strong dislike for President Obama and honestly feel he is on a course to destroy our country and everything it stands for. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that it is just because of his socialistic/communistic/progressive ideology and not some nefarious Islamic plot. Regardless, he has done more to destroy this country than anybody in the history of our great nation.

To address some of the points made in the opening of this thread:

"President Obama broke the racial barrier. He became educated, and became a Senator, a lawyer and now the President. He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas."

While that may be true, he continues to cause an enormous racial divide in this country by his racist attitude, appointees, policies, and personal actions. While the hope was that he would be the "great uniter", he has done exactly the opposite and it appears that is not by accident.

"He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?"

He has shown public disdain for all things military and has continued to push a liberal social engineering agenda on the military.

"He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage."

While that I agree that he appears to be a very supportive husband and father, he is no role model. He openly supports immoral conduct/lifestyles; supports the murder of innocent babies; has done nothing to address the biggest issue in the black community, absentee fathers and black-on-black murder/crimes; and is openly racist. Some role model...

Having said that, what do I admire about him? Nothing... Not one damn thing. As I have stated on numerous times in many similar RP threads, he is the most corrupt, inept, racist, divisive and immoral president this country has ever had and likely will ever have.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
GySgt Melissa Gravila - Very well said. Could not agree with you more. It is hard to remain positive and professional when talking about Obama. Thank God our national nightmare is coming to an end in one week.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
GySgt Melissa Gravila - Your father was correct... A person's perception, biases, opinions, upbringing, experiences, etc. all play into how they view something. Two people can see the same thing, but perceive them as different.
Cpl Bill Johnson
Cpl Bill Johnson
3 y
Colonel, if you think that Obama caused a racial divide, you are blind. This country, listen closely, has already a racial divide. Always. If you disagree, please cite a tome period when we didn't.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
3 y
Cpl Bill Johnson I don’t dispute the fact that we have always had a racial divide. My point is that Obama made that divide much wider. He did so on purpose and continues to do so.
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MAJ Defense Foreign Liaison Officer
I really wish I would not have read this thread. I come to RallyPoint to engage in informative & educated conversation. SSG(P) (Join to see) presented a topic and specifically asked to stay focused on that topic and to leave negativity aside. This group's inability to remain professional is very disheartening.
1stSgt Jeff Blovat
1stSgt Jeff Blovat
>1 y
1stSgt Jeff Blovat - though we can always remain professional and get involved at the same time.
1stSgt Jeff Blovat
CW4 Division Aviation Maintenance Officer
CW4 (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree.
MSG Louis Alexander
MSG Louis Alexander
6 y
Then by all means leave..
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Things you like about President Obama?
PO1 Chris Crawley
Uh......he likes beer
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Best answer yet.......
SSgt Ncoic, Admin And Dts
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
ill drink to that, a nice local craft beer at that!
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
9 y
Yeh, and he sneaks outside and smokes too.
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SSG Trevor S.
He boldly broke the barriers of Don't Ask Don't Tell, allowing Service Members to serve without fear.
MSG Reid Zohfeld
MSG Reid Zohfeld
>1 y
SSG Courtney Colyar
Did they find weapons of WMD, the answer is YES THEY DID!!! They did not find many intact but they found the chemicals for making them!!! A lot of these chemicals where dumped in the river and the water boys had to where protective suits changing the water filters in the purification machines.
I see that you know little about Obama and why he lost his Law License.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
PO2 (Join to see)

Yet another "hit and run" down voter with no moral courage to back it up with a comment.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Colyar, I was just reading the comments, not planning on getting involved in this thread, however, telling a Colonel to "come out from under the sheet?" Well SGT, that's beyond the pale. If it was your intent to debunk COL Burleson's contention that the President has been a racially divisive force in America, you have instead actually reinforced his argument with that comment.
SFC Dave Hopkins Jr.
SFC Dave Hopkins Jr.
>1 y
I've heard both him and Moochelle lost their law license
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SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
At least he isn't fat.
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
SSG Timothy McCoy Well Said SSG... A great fence analogy!
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
Hey what's wrong with us fat guys? ;-)
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
LOL Cpl Brett Wagner you're not fat! ;)
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
Not as lean, not as mean, but every bit a Marine!

I hope you are well and still kicking butt and taking names.
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SGT Graduate Student
A lot has been said already and if I can sum them all up in one statement, I would say: He challenges the status quo. Love it or hate it he meant it when his slogans said it "Change" and "Forward". Some want him tried, hung, blotted out of history as ever been president (I heard worse) but I respect him just as I respected Bush, Clinton, or Regan.
SGT Graduate Student
SFC Maintenance Supervisor
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
The more I study and find out about Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, and Johnson the less respect I have for them all. I truly believe the last noble president politically was JFK.
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
9 y
Agree with JFK and where did it get him--shot. never should have messed with Cuba although it was a sworn duty. We sent up ten takers to support the fighter but were called back by the State Department.
Maj Clinical Psychologist
Maj (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - The last noble president was JFK? Really? The philandering president who led the Bay of Pigs fiasco and set us on the road to the Vietnam War? I don't think we have the same definition of noble.
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SSG Ait Platoon Sergeant
I will begin by saying a quote "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all". Frankly I am very disappointed in the profound lack of professionalism in this thread. The thread was about what you LIKE about President Obama. Please keep in mind that he IS our twice elected Commander-in-Chief whether you like it or not, whether you voted for him or not. And for you officers (with all due respect) talking recklessly on here, I do believe there is a UCMJ Article pertaining to Contempt towards officials. Please be mindful. And to ALL those who were blatantly and openly disrespectful towards him, I will only ask you this one question since most here are leaders; if you saw your subordinates posting the type of stuff here about YOU that you are posting about the POTUS, what would you (HONESTLY) do to them?? I will leave it at that.
SGT Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
What the sense is going on in here who is in charge of this slang word bad mouthed hard headed slack jawed dip spitting cigar eatin please its 2015 leaders and troops do there jobs by having the education that gets them promoted and still cant hit the 25 meter trgt or dig a fox hole oh wait wrong room thread carry-on. I apologize
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
9 y
I can say if every person who bad mouthed their boss were fired--there would be lots of job openings.( I read this someplace) I said before, respect the uniform or office but you don't have respect the man.
PO1 Kenneth Cardwell
PO1 Kenneth Cardwell
>1 y
Well put! The man won the elections. Just like Golden state won the NBA championship and New England won the Super Bowl. maybe your team didn't win, but you have to respect whoever won!
PFC Chip Des
PFC Chip Des
8 y
I need to ask is there any dealerships in the Northeast area NY,NJ,PA, or even NC, GA florida, that can donate a 4 wheel drive to a disabled Vet? I tried WW project and they say we"re not set up like that" I am in dire need of a 4 wheel drive that can pass insp. here you cannot have a large amount of undercarriage rust. If there is anybody that has a jeep or any 4 wheel drive that has good engine, trans, please email me at [login to see] , thanks.
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Obama tiara
I think he must be a pretty good dad. He was willing to wear a tiara with Girl Scouts:
SFC Charles Temm
SFC Charles Temm
>1 y
the only thing I've ever seen positive about him is that he does seem to love and care for his family...but that's not enough for POTUS
SPC Douglas Bolton
SPC Douglas Bolton
>1 y
He is such a great speaker. He has high Charisma. As for his leadership....Naw!!!
Maj Clinical Psychologist
Maj (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. - It's easy to have rapport with people who think you're the messiah
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SPC Christopher Smith
-He managed not to get killed while in office.

-What I really like is his second term is coming to an end and the Republican party looks like a shoe in for office.
SPC Christopher Smith
SPC Christopher Smith
>1 y
Sgt Joey Davis, would you like to explain why you down voted me? If you don't agree with what I said I would like to know so we can talk about this like adults.
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
NEVER underestimate the Republicans ability to snatch defeat from the hands of victory.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Gerhard S., no doubt about that.
SSG Budget Analyst
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
A shoe in lol maybe you meant shoo-in
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