Posted on Apr 11, 2014
This is my criterior for consideration for waiver from PFC/E3 to SPC/E4:
<p>Please share your feedback!</p><p> </p><p>o Be in the rank of Private First Class with 18 months time in service (TIS) and 3 months time in grade(TMIG) (AR 600-9-19)</p><p>o Be in the top 10 percent best APFT score in the squad</p><p>o Have earned 390 hours of computer based training (Army Correspondence Course - ACCP), Distance Learning (DL) and Army e-learning courses -No Sub Courses) </p><p>o 6 credit hours of college (this is too easy- get your military experience converted to college credit by taking one or two classes)</p><p>o Be qualified on all applicable weapons
o Be proficient in job field at current level by recommendation from supervisor.
What do you think? Also, I just got kicked off the computer so I had to edit this on my phone.
o Be proficient in job field at current level by recommendation from supervisor.
What do you think? Also, I just got kicked off the computer so I had to edit this on my phone.
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 5
I think the one thing no one mentioned includes demonstrated ability or demonstrated potential to perform at the next greatest rank. I see far too many NCOs, soldiers, and officers who view a PVT, PV2, PFC, and SPC in the same light. The Army did the same with rapid promotions. Ultimately there are Soldiers who receive waivers due to the above criteria without demonstrating the required potential and or performance. SPC's are junior Noncommissioned Officers. They should perform at the level of one before they are waived for promotion.
Additionally, it is unethical and against regs to take into account a Soldiers home situation and how the extra 40 bucks could help them.
What if that Soldier is in a squad of 5 people and they are the only one able to pass a PT test but have a lower score than those failing it? 180 can pass, 259 can fail!
I think it depends a lot on job performance and the actual job. Across the board waiver requirements for rank won't work in all MOSs... especially given the number of E-5s & E-6s currently in the Army.
CW2 Jonathan Kantor
That's not to say your requirements are good or anything. They make a lot of sense. The one thing you left off was being good at their job. If I have a PT-stud maxing out every time but can't do a single requirement, there is no way I will give them a waiver (Or recommend one).
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