Posted on Nov 24, 2015
CW3 Dick McManus
Trump was yelling "fire in a theater" in his screaming to remove the protester at his speech. We all need to stand up and say only the police are authorized to physically touch a person to remove a person like that happened. We need to say if the meeting has to wait until the cops arrive so be it and everyone should sit down and wait.

November 24, 2015
Current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination Donald Trump has been on a tear lately, suggesting a variety of initiatives that would violate the Constitution and undermine America’s national security. Here’s a roundup:
“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule… And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.” – Donald Trump
• Trump’s chilling statement flies in the face of Ben Franklin’s dictum that those who are willing to give up liberty for security will have neither.
• While the United States has always had to make tradeoffs between liberty and security, Donald Trump’s unconstitutional policies gain us nothing on the security front, while trampling the core American freedoms enshrined in our founding documents.
• Security concerns have long been used by regimes around the world to justify limits on civil liberties, but those regimes have not proven to be as stable and resilient as the American system based on the rule of law, respect for civil liberties, and protection of religious diversity.
“The people that are involved in those mosques, they know who the bad ones are and they know who the good ones are, but they don’t talk… We have to surveil the mosques."
"I would certainly implement [a database for Muslims]. Absolutely." – Donald Trump
• The Bill of Rights has always guaranteed the free exercise of religion, a principle that Donald Trump’s unconstitutional idea vitiates.
• As Europe has learned to its regret, treating all Muslims as a suspect class radicalizes young men and women and makes them more, not less, likely to commit acts of violence.
• Moreover, maintaining good relationships with Muslim communities has a track record of providing exactly the kind of tips Donald Trump thinks only surveillance can provide.
• American diversity is one of its core strengths and promoting internal divisions and religious conflict weakens our national fabric and erodes our security posture.
“I would bring [waterboarding] back.” – Donald Trump
• As the U.S. Senate Report on Torture and other documents have shown, torture is an unreliable interrogation method as victims will often say whatever they think their torturer wants to hear to get the torture to stop.
• There is no evidence that any intelligence obtained by torture could not be gained by other, clearly lawful methods.
• In addition to being morally repugnant and a violation of American laws and values, torture provides a recruiting tool for terrorist organizations, while destroying American credibility on human rights issues and putting American service members at risk of similar treatment if captured.

Posted in these groups: 61c89c28 Donald Trump
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Responses: 4
SCPO Investigator
No, sir, not true. Any disruptive person is or can be subject to public restraint when that restraint becomes tactically necessary. That moment occurs when the disruption, itself, changes from vocal to physical. So says this thirty-year law enforcement veteran. I cannot count the number of times that I arrived at the scenes of public disturbances to find the culprit or culprits being restrained by concerned citizens. Their involvement was of such legal importance that I can rarely remember even asking more than few of them their names. I never lost a criminal case, and not one helpful civilian was arrested, or later sued civilly by the loudmouth!!!
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Some confuse his stupidity to being badass.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
CW3 Dick McManus As others have pointed out, I believe your portrayal of what transpired is inaccurate, as is your assertion that only law enforcement personnel should become involved in such a situation.

Did I miss your posts about Hillary Clinton's campaign staff escorting people out of her speeches/appearances and, at times, "physically touching" them? Is it only OK, in your mind, for Hillary's minions to do so?
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