Just wanted to see if anyone could enlighten me on the actual wear of foreign jump wings. Ive read 670-1, but still cant find anything specific as to alignment and wear of foreign jump wings. Can anyone help?
Posted 11 y ago
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I have received two Foreign awards/badges in my career, the German Armed Forces Proficiency badge (allowed for wear on ASU/Class A) and the Vierdaagse Nijmegen medal (not allowed for wear on ASU/Class A). The question comes after reviewing the authorized foreign badges that US Soldiers are allowed to accept and wear, there are no pictures or illustrations of the badges so that personnel can differentiate these awards. Sure the person that earned or was presented the badge can research and adhere to the regulation. But how can a leader at a glance differentiate whether a badge or medal awarded is authorized for wear on their Soldiers? Are there any sites that I may have overlooked?
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