Posted on May 26, 2016
SFC Ronald Manners
Posted in these groups: Military civilian 600x338 TransitionJob fair logo Civilian Career
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Responses: 20
SFC Jim Mergott
I'm going to keep it real. Do not use your veteran status as a crutch. Be humble and accept the fact that your chances of starting at the same pay level and responsibility level are slim to none. Understand and embrace the fact that when it comes down to it,the upper management types really don't care if you served or not. Having said this you will find that civilian lifestyle is significantly easier than military ONLY if you are proactive. GOODLUCK.
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SFC Jim Ruether
Edited >1 y ago
Try to restrain from screaming "Attention" when your boss enters the room! Anyone with a cardiac condition will appreciate that!
SFC Ronald Manners
SFC Ronald Manners
>1 y
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SFC Management
I just recently transitioned i.e. Retired. Here's some observations I've seen (so far):
1. Civilian life is not as fast paced as we are used to. Biggest "culture shock" I've run into so far.
2. Resume resume resume and interview skills. Ive done 1 interviews so far. The first one I had just stopped into fill out application and drop off resume. After I filled everything out and went to turn into HR person she looked at everything and asked if I would be available for a interview in about a week. I am in the middle of moving to my new home(which is 600 miles away, and was up there for a week to house hunt/job hunt). I explained this to her and told her I wouldn't be back up in that area for good until a month from now. I just wanted to start getting my resume and apps out there. She asked me if I would be willing to interview now. Of course I said yes. She called 1 of the managers and explained the situation. We had a 30 minute interview, he then took me on tour of the facility. At the end he said he would be in touch. 45 minutes later I received a call from him saying he had talked to his General Manager and they wanted to offer me a position in their Management Training Program!! That was my first location I stopped at. I went to 3 other locations that day and have received calls back wanting interviews etc. after I explained everything (from above). They were very receptive on working with my schedule to set up interviews when I move to where I'm going for good.

Sooooo 1 day "on the streets" filling out 4 applications, 1 interview. Results. 1 lucrative job offer, and 3 more interviews set up. I'd call that fairly successful so far.

3. Depending on where you are moving to what kind of support do you have? Me. I'm moving back to my hometown so my family/friends have been very helpful with jobs(who's hiring, who's not, housing etc). That in itself is worth it's weight in gold.

Overall it's been a good transition (so far). I'm sure Mr Murphy will make a appearance sooner or later, but I'm ready for

SFC Ronald Manners
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) Good news Tim. Congratulations.
SFC Management
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt (Join to see) Thanks. I was up there for a week. Should have went up on a Monday instead of Had to wait the weekend to get any work done. Spent it BBQ'ing with my brother, and some adult beverages. Last 2 days pretty much hit the "jackpot" with job hunting and house hunting. Positive attitude and open mind is key to success (at least for me).
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
Positive attitude is important. Look me up sometime when you are near C.B.
SFC Ronald Manners
SFC Ronald Manners
>1 y
Good read
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