Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 536
SSG Retired
Just like Viet Nam the politicians start the war and then decide to just leave after tying the hands of the military. Should have had set a goal and then turned the military loose to accomplish that end none of this political nonsense get in remove all threats completely destroy all resistance eliminate all enemy leaders destroy their will to fight without political involvement! If the politicians want to be involved send them not the military as we did in WWII USE TACTICAL NUKES TO ELIMINATE THEIR WILL TO RESIST
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PO2 Stephen Bonelli
It's a disaster!
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PFC Matt Layman
What a waste!
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Sgt Brad Miller
The irony of ironies is that the name for the American-led NATO mission in Afghanistan was Operation Resolute Support for the last six years. Yet, there was nothing resolute or supportive about the way the operation ended. As a result, any confidence in the American leadership of a coalition of allies is now irreparably damaged.
The words catastrophe, disaster, and tragedy cannot begin to describe the lack of planning and execution of America's top military leadership. In the words of Javier Gutierrez, Sr, the father of the last soldier to die in action eighteen months ago: "The right way to evacuate is American civilians and civilian allies first, equipment second, and troops last. It is an excruciatingly sad commentary that the father of fallen Special Forces, SFC Javier Gutierrez, understands the order of an evacuation better than our "best" military planners.
I've often heard history lessons repeated at times like this. When was the last such colossal military operational failure as the pullout from Afghanistan? If General Lloyd Ralston Fredendall deserved to be relieved for the defeat at Kasserine Pass in WWII, maybe every commander in the chain from General Kenneth McKenzie to the Commander in Chief should be relieved for this monumental disaster. General Austin, the Secretary of Defense, and the JCS Chairman, General Milley, should do the honorable thing and resign. If they were unable to make the case to the Commander in Chief not to take the course, they should have resigned before leaving the briefing room; their incompetence as leaders is made clear by not resigning then and there.
Congress will conduct investigations and hearings. And, as usual, Congress will reach no firm conclusions, no one will be held accountable, the revolving door between the Pentagon and defense industry boardrooms will remain open, and corruption in Washington, D.C. will continue to flourish.
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COL Ralph Bryan Hanes
Bottom line: As a nation, we were right to cut our losses as there was no end in sight to a forever war. We were abysmally wrong in how we failed to adequately plan and execute that withdrawal.
There is no excuse for the bungling and it will hurt us and the rest of the free world for decades to come.
Mixed emotions. I think of and honor the patriotism and commitment of our service members and those who went back as civilians to serve our country and to help the Afghanis. Sadly there are too many names on the casualty lists that have faces and memories associated with them. Having said that, as a nation, we went to war without specific goals other than to wipe out al-Qaida and stop them from being replaced by anyone else from attacking our nation. There was no end state to our efforts. In the 20 years following 9/11 we had mostly kept foreign terrorists at bay within CONUS. Conversely, We continued risking lives as well as spending trillions of dollars to try to train and supply the Afghanis in government and military strength. We had a logistical tail so long and tortuous that without backup from the air, staying in the country would have been untenable. We had to bribe and otherwise placate the Pakistanis as well as every tribe along the way just to allow our escorted supply convoys to pass through mostly unmolested...except when they were. I will not condemn the Afghanis military for cutting their losses when we cut off their air support as well as contractors who provided their resupply. They could quit today and live or continue to fight and die in a few weeks due to logistical inadequacy. An army without logistical support is hollow and historically doomed. Our previous president was excoriated by many within and allies of our nation for his unilateral decisions and actions that ignored other stake holders. It appears that the current CIC is similarly disposed. We are likely to have cause to wish that we had been more considerate of our allies as well as the Afghanis. A couple more months would have ended the fighting season and likely bought the Afghani government a little time to adjust.
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Dieudonne Magloire Kamga
I note to deplore it that the high command made a bad decision to withdraw our defense forces on Afghan soil even though the army of this country which was still in formation was not yet hardened to counter the Taliban inclinations to regain power.
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SPC Collin Guizar
I am also frustrated more so because I have had to talk to a lot of people who the majority of them congratulate us for doing and I quote " you guys did leaps and bounds for the woman's rights movement ." And I think to myself yeah and now all those people we tried to help while making false promises are going to be murdered and probably beheaded after being repeatability rapes...
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SPC Tarrence Molendyk
We were betrayed the moment they kept changing the rules on us numerous times. Countless lives were lost for Political Greed.
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CPO Jack De Merit
To begin with, Afghanistan was not the property of the Taliban so it was not theirs to reclaim. If the Afghan military had any balls they would be defending their own country instead of having us do it for them. We have lost far too many American lives in the last 20 years to just walk away the way we did. That should show everyone just how stupid the Democrats and Joe Biden are. They are attempting to overturn every single thing that Trump did for this country in retaliation for Trump trying to overturn everything that Obama did which was destroying this country. Isn't it amazing how much money the Democrats are spending? Did any of us know that the government had that much money to begin with? The communists said it more than 90 years ago, if you pay the people who are not working, why would they ever bother to support themselves?
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SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
The only thing that I will say is that I feel closer to Vietnam vets than I did before.
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