Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 535
SSG James N.
Going in, history was about to repeat one more time. If you could not feel the energy of the Persians, Carthaginians, the Romans, the Imperial British of old, and the Russians, you had no idea we were simply the next ones to follow suit. Afghanistan was a beautiful place until the Russians came.
I do digress though. Know this, each tour we individually made reflects highly or mediocrity on our service. We did great things or we sat and drank Green Beans. Two generations of people were taught peace and freedom. Two generations of girls were taught these things. These kids are now late teens and early 20's. You want them to try and fight a newly armed Taliban?
The current administration should be hung for treason. They have assisted the enemy, provided aid and comfort with millions of dollars, weapons, technology, and the ability to carry a fight far outside their borders. That stuff should have been and must be destroyed
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LTC Infantryman
I am crushed that military was evacuated before civilians. I feel some have been left to die.
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CW3 Michael Bodnar
This was an utter failure by the senior leadership in our country - pure and simple. They were told on numerous occasions this was going to happen and it could happen very quickly. They didn't seem to care what anyone was telling them and went into this situation without a care in the world in my opinion. When I think about it, I am more upset at our country now being the laughing stock of the free world. How in the world did we ever get here. Now that this is happening, I fear that super powers will flock right in with open arms and fill the void we have now left. To the service men and women, contractors, and civilians who gave everything they had (some didn't come home at all), I salute your service. You did the jobs that were asked of you and everyone should hold their heads high in that regard. I pray this doesn't lead to the total destruction of our way of life because we're on the brink of loosing everything!
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SSG Mannix Brooks
I feel it was bound to happen. We were attacked by leaders who directed 9/11 and protected by the Taliban. What people don't know is we were negotiating with the Taliban in Texas about an oil pipeline deal despite the human rights violations so was the war with the Taliban or was it with the Taliban to get to Al Qaida and fight them for protecting them? It was certainly never meant to be country building because we kept the mission limited, then immediately went to Iraq fully committed to regime change and reconstruction post war. The limited nature of the war never changed so even though there was regime change the same type of commitment shown in Iraq to full reconstruction was never there. We limited our scope and even though PRT teams did a lot of great things there the cost of building up a country that did not even have 1/16th the infrastructure of Iraq was asking a bit to0 much. Add in all that and the overwhelming corruption of elected officials who got in our way to make it all work too many times to count. Next the Afghan forces, outside of some half way decent units some that some people know of and the Afghan SOF, the rest did as little as possible and watched us fight. What a happened when we finally had enough was exactly what every troop has been saying all along but it still hurt but we did our best to help them and unfortunately the majority of their people acted like we were never leaving and dragged their feet on ever taking the lead. Our troops did what the could with one hand tied behind their backs. We had both our politicians and theirs get in the way too often and worse turned the war into something it was never intended to be. I say we were there 9 years too long. Taliban are not a people or racial group, it's a religious ideology, and only the Afghan people could defeat that however were they ever unified in that effort? It did not have to get as messy as it did because the people being evacuated could have a should have been slowly removed quietly over a year as we scaled back quietly while maintaining some semblance of a fight until we were ready to go and it would not be this humanitarian evac mess. For people who watch wrestling imagine a tag team match where every time you got tired and wanted to tag out your partner ignored you and when they tagged in they were immediately tagging back out. Our fight was to get rid of terrorists; their fight was for their country and somehow they forgot that part. I say we did and awesome job, the best we could with the tools we were given despite the mission creep, outside interference, and imposed limitations. Lastly wasn't this supposed to be an unlimited war on terror everywhere. We were mandated to go there because the Taliban was protecting terrorist but politicians turned a blind eye to do anything about Pakistan protecting the Taliban that I might add they helped create.
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SFC Scott Higgins
I'm dismayed at the way we are exiting. It's like we are abandoning the country, sneak8ng out like thrives in the night. Pulling out, leaving equipment and weapons behind, costly items to give up on. But far worse, with all we know about the Taliban, we are abandoning our allies, those interpreters and their families who will be certainly targets of reprisals. Very sad. It would appear that planning an orderly withdrawal was not even considered. Did we not learn anything from Vietnam?
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LCDR Ed Bowen
There was never a mission in Afghanistan that made sense after we killed Osama bin Laden. You set up a democracy in a place where most people don’t believe girls should learn to read, that democracy is going to yield a government that doesn’t teach girls to read. Better we get out sooner than later. I salute the heroic efforts and sacrifices of our military to get all our citizens and allies out of there safely. Thank you for your service.
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A1C Sandra Rhoades
It definitely feels like the Vietnam era of Saigon. I was 12 years old when the Vietnam war was going on and I recognized it and I see it happening all over again leaving people behind not caring maybe we'll also get bracelets that will let us pray for the Mia and it may not be dead maybe America just doesn't care how about that and pelosi you're all the crooks
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SSG Deron Santiny
Although I didn't go to Afghanistan, I have numerous buddies who have been there and suffered life altering injuries and death due to actions of the Taliban and it's sympathizers. To the many men and woman who did go to Afghanistan, I would say that WE (the Military) didn't fail, we as a whole did what was asked of us and made Afghanistan a much better place than it was before our arrival. Again, I can't speak as a Veteran of OEF but I can speak as a Soldier (Retired) who paid with blood, sweat and tears in Iraq. Like Iraq, our Politicians FAILED, not us. The sad part is, the Politicians will blame us for their failures and continue to profit from what they started and continued for 20 years. I know it's not easy to watch, as we see thousands of Afghan citizens who wanted us there, needed us there and helped us while there get left behind by a Career Politician who couldn't care any less about the outcome, as long as he and his party remain in power. Again, WE DIDN'T FAIL, our Politicians did. I will not call them "Leaders" because they couldn't lead themselves down an escalator going one way. It's truly sad that so many Americans (amongst other Warriors) suffered so much pain and loss just to see it thrown away because the "Powers that Be" refuse to listen to the Boots on the Ground. Our Warriors can keep their heads held high because they have earned the Honor and Respect of many for actions taken while fighting an enemy that is comprised of nothing more than COWARDS.
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SGT Jackie N Ferrell
Where is The Mujahedeen of Afghanistan when you need them.
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