Posted on Jul 23, 2016
What are your thoughts about web sites that use CAPTCHAs?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
SSgt W. Aaron Gregory I personally find them an annoyance. However, I understand why they are there. Websites have to do something to prevent themselves from being spammed by bots. My big problem with some CAPTCHA's is that I sometimes have a hard time reading them. I prefer the use of an active email with a pass code activation system better.
SSgt W. Aaron Gregory
Check out PlusCaptcha. I have some sample ones for display at

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SSgt Mark Lines
SSgt W. Aaron Gregory They are easier to use than your normal Captcha. I could handle doing something like that.
SSgt W. Aaron Gregory
They're a pain in the ass! I know I'm not the only person who has difficulty reading them.
SGT (Join to see) SSgt Mark Lines PO1 Andrew Gardiner
They're a pain in the ass! I know I'm not the only person who has difficulty reading them.
SGT (Join to see) SSgt Mark Lines PO1 Andrew Gardiner
SSgt Mark Lines
SSgt W. Aaron Gregory I am late as usual because of time zones, but I actually like the captcha shown. They are much easier to use than the blurred out, multi-colored number/ letter combination.
SSgt W. Aaron Gregory
SGT (Join to see) - I have a few hundred CAPTCHAs. They come in 3 sizes - small, medium, and large. The webmaster gets to choose the size, (and primary color background) and difficulty level of the CAPTCHA chosen. When I add/set the Captcha, I can assign the difficulty level. The difficulty is how exact you have to be, to properly meet the challenge. If you are within 1 degree, you pass... if you are beyond that... you don't pass.
SGT (Join to see)
SSgt W. Aaron Gregory - Sorry I never realized you replied to me. If you update your WordPress repo, please let me know and I'll write about it.
PlusCaptcha - The Easiest Captcha to Setup and Execute, with an Auto-Setup Feature! Trusted by thousands of bloggers, e-commerce vendors, and governme …
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