Posted on Jul 2, 2015
MSG Joe Bodenbender
Now that we are starting to see Soldiers wearing the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCPs) how do you feel about it? I know that this is the 3rd uniform I've had to pay for not including the change to ASUs and the 3rd change in APFUs since I came in, putting the money aside, do you like them?
I was never a big fan of the ACUs, I believe the only environment that they worked well in was gravel pits, but I do feel that this pattern is much better than it's predecessor and I also like the removal of velcro on the pants and the reduction of velcro on the top.
Between the multi cam and OCPs, I do not notice much of a difference within the pattern, but I believe they work much better in training and deployment environments that I have been to. I also believe they are more professional looking than the ACUs and the only change I wish they would have made, was to place the rank back on the collar.
Posted in these groups: 85583b36 OCP4276e14c Uniforms
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SFC Deputy Station Commander
1. What are your thoughts on the new OCP uniform and them not being available all once. 2. Do you think mis-matching them will look silly? 3. Wouldn't it be better to get everything available all at once? 4. Should we now go back to the beret?

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