I am a prior service Marine and my 12N mos was gained from a national guard armory while in the reserves.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 7
SSG (Join to see) I went to Fort Leonard Wood to reclass to 12N in 2018. I was an 11C prior to and needed to reclass since I am now a reservist. I went through the 140th RTI (Regimental Training Institute I believe it's called), a training unit from the Missouri National Guard. The training itself isn't as long as its active duty counterpart, but only knowing mainly infantry tactics and nothing about engineering, I left that course confident in my abilities to at least understand the equipment they train you own.
They told us from the start their job isn't to make us proficient operators. It's a basic introduction to the machinery and they do a damned good job of it. From the newest instructor to the branch chief, a MSG who brings a lot of real world military and civilian experience, they can answer basically any questions. The support cadre are also pretty good I'm still in contact with them.
As for day to day, we works basically every day, and had a day or two off between phases. It was about 4 weeks in total. They break you up into groups and you spend like 3 days on each piece of equipment.
As far as being prior service goes, maybe because I was one of three sergeants in the class and/or prior infantry they often deferred to me to make sure students kept they WWII style barracks in order and kept any issues to a minimum. They did shoot the shit with me a little more than some other students, but they told me up front that for the most part rank didn't matter I'm a student like the junior enlisted.
In the barracks they came through every morning to check that we kept it to standard but after the first week it was more of a good morning see you in class, just checking that none of you are dead type deal.
Your prior service experience will help in certain ways but if you weren't the equivalent MOS in the Marines, just know how to lock it up and soak up as much information as you can. Even your fellow students can teach you a thing or two.
There are other places you can go to reclass, I'm not sure how they are. I heard Devils Lake, ND is pretty chill. My buddy went there for their ALC course.
They told us from the start their job isn't to make us proficient operators. It's a basic introduction to the machinery and they do a damned good job of it. From the newest instructor to the branch chief, a MSG who brings a lot of real world military and civilian experience, they can answer basically any questions. The support cadre are also pretty good I'm still in contact with them.
As for day to day, we works basically every day, and had a day or two off between phases. It was about 4 weeks in total. They break you up into groups and you spend like 3 days on each piece of equipment.
As far as being prior service goes, maybe because I was one of three sergeants in the class and/or prior infantry they often deferred to me to make sure students kept they WWII style barracks in order and kept any issues to a minimum. They did shoot the shit with me a little more than some other students, but they told me up front that for the most part rank didn't matter I'm a student like the junior enlisted.
In the barracks they came through every morning to check that we kept it to standard but after the first week it was more of a good morning see you in class, just checking that none of you are dead type deal.
Your prior service experience will help in certain ways but if you weren't the equivalent MOS in the Marines, just know how to lock it up and soak up as much information as you can. Even your fellow students can teach you a thing or two.
There are other places you can go to reclass, I'm not sure how they are. I heard Devils Lake, ND is pretty chill. My buddy went there for their ALC course.
SSG (Join to see)
Well for 12N I went to camp ravenna in ohio but I am in the process of reclassing to 35F
SSG (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) oh okay. I misunderstood your post then, I thought you were reclassing to 12N. I can see if my old 35F friend have any relevant advice but he went through some years ago
SSG (Join to see) Don't think your tag for AIT for 35F is going to be particularly helpful. Recommend tagging 12N.
How you gained 12N is confusing in your original post.
- Did you simply join the Army Reserve in a 12N slot? Are you being sent to a Reserve Component AIT? (At an ARNG facility).
- Or did you somehow gain it OJT through a Guard unit? Doesn't sound like that as you are being sent to an AIT.
-Is your Reserve Center just co-located with a Guard Armory?
How you gained 12N is confusing in your original post.
- Did you simply join the Army Reserve in a 12N slot? Are you being sent to a Reserve Component AIT? (At an ARNG facility).
- Or did you somehow gain it OJT through a Guard unit? Doesn't sound like that as you are being sent to an AIT.
-Is your Reserve Center just co-located with a Guard Armory?
SSG (Join to see)
This was an old post of mine... I had asked about 12N since I went to the reserves 2015 but currently in the process of going to reclass for 35F since the mos is over manned currently
SSG (Join to see)
So I was TXARNG and took the dlab to go active duty back in 2015, missed the test by several points, and was given the choice to stay NG or go Reserves, chose the reserves and went to 277th En Co out of Camp Bullis. But the 35 F is from a different section since I received my 12N training in Camp Ravenna satellite school for horizontal construction engineer . And I was asking /tagged 35F since I am currently in the process to reclass but everything has fallen back a bit due to this covid break
You’ll spend a week on each piece of equipment, for a total of 8 weeks. We had prior service in my class, but they were army not from other branches. They showed up for formations, PT, and class then got to do whatever the hell they wanted after. They also stayed in the same barracks as the marines due to lack of space. I went in 2017, and the barracks were so overcrowded they got a new building to just house the holdovers. I graduated in December and cycles were filled until May. Not sure if it’s still like that tho.
SSG (Join to see)
Yeah this is a post from 2016 I changed the tags on this post I think since I was asking about 35F
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