Posted on Nov 30, 2017
1SG Military Police
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Responses: 4
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
One for additional duties and expectations for personnel assigned them.
One for your PT/ Ht/Wt programs.
One for cyclical inventories and as mentioned elsewhere, vault and cage access.
A policy reflecting your intent and goals for training.
Of course the usual suspects per AR 600-20 (SHARP, EO, etc)
Some bonus stuff:
Stand up a program to incentivise excellence. Best PT score. Best WQ. Best Squad. Best 20k ruck time. Put in incentives that Joe will want, like a 4-day pass or early release or "zonk" coins.
Use your imagination to make your unit one they remember fondly.
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
I knew you'd come through with some truly useful stuff, thanks!
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
As a Company Commander in Korea, I had a pass and leave policy to supplement the regulation in order to ensure I could meet USFK 3 hour recall alert standards. I have seen Company Maintenance policies. Also have seen Company supply and accountability polices. The purpose was to set some ground rules in enforcing Battalion, Brigade, Division, and Army policy and regulations at which he Company level and could have been an SOP.

I have seen a PT policy. Readiness policy. I could see a Privately Owned Weapons Policy to govern who must store them, requirements to do so, and conditions it would be terminated.

I have seen some crazy ones, they all started with a sad-funny story...riding a unicycle in the barracks is not allowed. Soldiers are prohibited from sub-letting barracks rooms. Guest under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent in order to enter the barracks.

There are the must haves: Open Door (600-20); EO (prescriptive); Safety. At the high water mark, I never had more than 12 policy letters in two Company Commands.

The whole point of policy letters is to either curb or encourage behavior. What are you trying to prevent? What are you try to make happen? They are unique to the time, location, and environment your unit is struggling to cope with as an augmentation to regulations and other local,policy.

Strongly recommend you make paragraph one start as follows: The intent of this policy is to....followed by words like improve, ensure, prevent, protect, avoid. Some people think of these as gotcha tools. Many start monologuing. Keep it to one or two pages. After you draft it, run it by the following: a sister unit solving the same problem, the Battalion XO, your CJA, and the IG. If it survived all that, publish it.
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir, that's the same reason we have to have safety briefings, lol.
The days of implied tasks and brief by exception are almost a thing of the past with the current cast of characters. I find that the best tool for holding millennials accountable is through tools (like 1SG Furr mentioned) like counselings and policy memos. Common sense isn't common and we can't beat it into them so we just keep improving our foxhole as we go.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) - and that is your unique environment to cope with.
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1SG Infantryman
PT, Ht/WT, NCOES, Schools, SSD Soldier responsibilities and failure to complete...
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