Posted on May 29, 2014
What do you believe the biggest issue is in the Army today? Downsizing? Budget Cuts? Sexual Harassment? Other?
There are many factors impacting our Army today: downsizing, budget cuts, sexual harassment, equal opportunity, deployments drawing down, etc. Which factor do you believe has the most profound impact, positively or negatively, on our soldiers, our leaders, and the Army as a whole?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Sir, very good question, but one that can not easily be answered. I believe that it is currently a situational paradox. Everything you mentioned is now a priority. The problem with that is that when everything becomes a priority, nothing is a priority. If you begin to say any one has a higher priority than another, politics will raise it's ugly head. Hence, the paradox.
MSG Floyd Williams
Politicians need to support the military instead of trying to control the U.S. Armed Forces.
Sir, I believe that many of the problems stem from the rather large disconnect between Congress and the Pentagon. Our current financial situation is rather abysmal and many politically-motivated decisions are now being made (such could be argued with the choice of Scorpion W2 rather than Multicam because of the $25 million requested by Crye Precision) based on money rather than actual need. I know that the Pentagon has our best interests at heart (except for whoever the f*ck chose the UCP color/pattern for our ACUs), but it is not the final decision-maker in military matters . The hubris and arrogance of sitting congressional members is contributing to these bogus compromised funding deals.
2LT Henrickson, all of the above you mentioned is equally damaging to the U.S. Armed Forces. It starts with Politics, society, parents, and changes in Basic Training that trainees can't be handled rough like during the Cold War Era. The mindset in people is different because of technology, in a way it is crippling the present and future generations of soldiers. I can see it in the inner cities young people don't take time out to calculate numbers using their minds, calculators is their main tool along with internet and fast growing electronics while other countries use minimum technology to none with all the billions of dollars of fighting equipment we have, other countries with old and outdated weapons is giving us a hard time it is all politicians fault for keeping a stronghold on our military. How can we fix the problems in the Army or any other Branch of Service? I don't know because you can't do this, you can't do that, or your ideas is making waves you're going against the grain. But at the same time higher up in Congress complain about these issues when they are the root cause of our military the way it is, we all have to do the best we can and hope for the best.
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