Posted on Feb 14, 2014
LTC Physician Assistant
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Should this airman receive any disciplinary action?
Posted in these groups: Discipline1 DisciplineRespect  logo RespectZgvwznrr9psdw5lzq6y7ihp6r9qhpdfhlbomkkkntap1slsxqwsblel onis9qdww00l q s85 Disrespect
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 197
SSG Paralegal Nco
I see this as definitely disrespectful and inappropriate, and I believe that the person who snapped the photo and essentially took part in it should also be corrected. In other words, if you see a wrong and stand back and do nothing, you are just as wrong.
MSgt David Mata
MSgt David Mata
10 y
Disgusting...Unfortunatelym she if wearing an Air Force Uniform, however, I would bet each service has their fair share of "Special cases"...she is SFS to boot ain't that something else...
SSG Adjutant
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
What is wrong with our service member's today, there are so many other inappropriate and disrespectful photos out there. Some Service members need to be told what the significance of what the POW/MIA Flag means.
MSgt Fred Segler
MSgt Fred Segler
>1 y
Yes it's inappropriate; but, I'm sure glad they didn't have facebook when I was young!
MSgt Fred Segler
MSgt Fred Segler
>1 y
And do I need to include, "Stupid!"
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Edited >1 y ago
This is a serious mistake.  You have to ask her what she was thinking.  Does she have any clue what these symbols represent?  Does she have any clue how these men (and very few women) suffered over many years in captivity, struggled to keep oral record of who was interned with them, struggled to communicate covertly with each other, and all too often died from disease, wounds, cruelty, or torture.  Obviously, for someome in the uniform to behave this way, to photograph another behaving this way, and more to the point to publish this behavior to the world incuding enemies who may use it in efforts to break the will of other prisoners, we need to understand her, educate and punish as appropriate.  

This makes me very angry.  But, she seems clueless.  Someone must talk with her first.
TSgt J Kristin Webb
TSgt J Kristin Webb
>1 y
She damn well better know what it means. That's an honor guard cord she's wearing!
SPC Randall Davis
SPC Randall Davis
10 y
She walked straight into a minefield by getting this picture taken. I know we have generally a sick, dark sense of humor but some lines shouldn't be crossed. This would have been one thing with a bunch a pals having a little goofing around time and kept between themselves(NO PICTURES!), but to do it, photograph it, then post it around for others to see definately invited a sh#tstorm.
SA Harold Hansmann
SA Harold Hansmann
10 y
A lot of today's youth is "ignorant" of the meaning and emotions of what the POW MIA symbol means. I find this picture disturbing. I have also been on the receiving end of a Vietnam Vet for wearing a dew rag with the symbol on it.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I think the point of talking is over, she knows what this represents... Every soldier does. Other than that I think you are spot on with your comment and too many people have suffered and died for the desimation of this symbol and what it means to this great country. Thank you for your comment!
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
Yes, she should receive disciiplinary action, and it's probably forthcoming.  It's in the Army Times already.

SSG Laureano Pabon
SSG Laureano Pabon
>1 y
Thank you for sharing SPC Thundercloud.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for posting this. I just read something similar through FB a couple hours ago and was going to post it but you beat me to it.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
I just wanna know why the Army times is posting this.  They really just care about numbers and stories like any other media.
A1C Michael David Severson
A1C Michael David Severson
>1 y
Her actions being "viral" all over the internet will haunt her as long as she has a computer and her conscious memory, that will add to whatever disciplinary action she experiences... I'm sure she never thought of such a consequence at the time...
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What do you think of this photo? Appropriate or not?
MCPO Officer In Charge
This is completely "inappropriate" and seems to be the norm for our younger generation.&nbsp; The way to fix this is to go back to teaching the heritage of our services and impressing upon them at every opportunity that we "the current service members, E-1 to O-10 are the ones who must keep those traditions of the past SACRED!"&nbsp; If the NCO's and Senior Leadership aren't setting the example this behavior will continue.&nbsp; I also think that having this member research and present training to her fellow Airmen vice NJP is the more "appropriate" way to fix this lack of respect.&nbsp; It makes them learn their history, teach some to their peers, and maybe makes them see how disrespectful this was in the first place.&nbsp; A little humility goes a long ways......<br>
LTC Physician Assistant
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Roger that, Master Chief!!
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
>1 y

Senior Chief Reck:

I concur, and my thoughts are how as a Military are we passing down the "SACRED" traditions.

How many times do we see junior military act inappropriately or post pictures in their uniform, and it is not addressed military wide.

However, everything this generation does is documented on social media.

PO1 Oil King
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
Well said Master Chief.
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CSM Michael Poll
Completely disgracful.... I cannot understand what is going through this SR Airmans mind.....
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SSgt Rf Transmission Technician
I am in shock that she is an E4 with a Black Rope. That means she is in Technical training somewhere. Anyone with a rope is supposed to be a "student leader", but this woman is just wrong. She needs to be disciplined, no questions asked. The photographer should also be disciplined, just as harshly.
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SGM Sergeant Major
Despicable and completely disrespectful. I would definitely do some on the spot correction or if I knew this person have them on the carpet for a good explanation of her actions.
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SSG V. Michelle Woods
As a photojournalist, I would say I highly doubt this picture has been photoshopped considering you can see her reflection in the paint.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Disciplinary action should be to ship her ass off to France! Absolutely NOT an on the spot correction scenario!&nbsp;</div>
CPT Public Affairs Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
'Murica indeed! 

I couldn't say it to a FFL Officer that was at FLW though....he was one bad man! 

My grandma too! That's what a good country/southern upbringing gets you! Manners, by God, or you will feel mama's/grandma's wrath! 

I just would love to see someone take the same "free speech" attitude to more regulated countries, where speech is an accountable action, even when it doesn't affect the rights of others. I think their value of national symbols and their freedoms would be much more highly valued. 
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
I bet my grandma could take him. That old Betty was meaner than a rattlesnake. 

Those with that attitude wouldn't last lol. 
CPT Public Affairs Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't know. He was a bit intense...especially for a Frenchman. However, I am inclined to believe you. I can't see you coming from weak women. You have a certain force to your persona. 

It's just odd to me. Freedom was meant for empowerment, and to a certain degree: implied and active dissent. However, I do not see our forefathers permitting such disrespect. Especially from someone in uniform. 

Maybe we need a SERE-immersion. Alter the photo to include Kim Jung Un, post it on the DMZ on a billboard, then drop her in Pyongyang in uniform. Get back to the South, you are forgiven. Get caught...well....maybe the State department can arrange for her to meet Ken Bae as opposed to the firing squd. 

I jest of course, but I think this young Airman misses the point of this symbol and the pain/suffering behind it. She has now developed to SSgt according to this thread. Hopefully, she has changed her ideology on what this meant. 
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Ha! Thank you sir! I take that as a compliment considering everyone in my family thinks I'm too much of a pushover lol. 

I completely agree. But I ain't jestin! ;)

Maybe...just maybe somehow this airman didn't know what the symbol meant. I sure hope she did this out of sheer ignorance rather than blatant disrespect.  
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SrA Amanda L.
A SrA should definitely know what is appropriate or not. This is just complete disrespect and this Airman needs to be corrected immediately, along with the photographer.
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SGT Avionic Special Equipment Repairer
Edited >1 y ago
WHISKEY, TANGO, FOXTROT!!!! <br>This is totally inappropriate, especially since she's in uniform. <br>What's the deal with the black and blue rope- is she part of an Honor Guard? From this picture, I'm thinking more like "Dishonor Guard".<br>
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