Posted on Jun 12, 2017
What film best captures what being in the military is truly like?
Responses: 197
SGT Joseph Gunderson HBO did a movie called "Taking Chance" it was about the process of transporting a Marine who was KIA home for his funeral. It is worth watching. There were some onion chopping ninjas lurking about when I watched it the first time. It starts with the Marine arriving in Dover, and goes through the process. It shows the morgue, and the work done by the staff there to prepare our honored dead for their final journey home. It was a military film featuring the Marines with no fighting. I would highly recommend the film.
LCpl Andrew Franko
SSG Christopher Parrish - I had the same reaction. My sitrep on this was too much saltpeter on the popcorn.
1LT Richard Wade
Onions.. I have watched it a few times. Took me back to watching the AFMS Hospital Ships flying into Ft Knox during TET. Way Too many every day...
Best depiction of Marine boot camp was in Full Metal far. I loved Sands of Iwo Jima.....but have hated Forrest Tucker ever since for getting his buddies killed. Eastwood did a good job of playing a Gunnery Sergeant in Heartbreak Ridge.....but the movie itself wasn't very realistic. Lou Gossett Jr. did a great job in Officer and a Gentleman.
Sgt Michael Clifford
Can't agree about 'Heartbreak Ridge'. No Gunnery Sergeant that I ever met would have put up with that garbage for one minute. The film was pretty lame and I hate to say that about any of Clint's flicks.
SGT Andrew Mace
Sgt Michael Clifford - The actual story it is based off of is about the 75th Ranger regiment which the US Army wouldn't sign off on because the story was so freaking lame!
SFC John Renkiewicz
I went through PI in 1974, I agree Full Metal Jacket was the best depiction of Marine boot camp in that era.
MSgt Joseph Holness
Don't forget the Boys of Company C. A relative of mine who was a Marine that served in Viet Nam said that movie was "On-Target" in many ways how life was from Basic to Southeast Asia.
SGM Kenneth Stanton
SGM Ken Stanton that is really a tough one ( I guess Battleground) SFC Bailey please tell your dad how much respect I have for him.
TSgt Larry Johnson
I agree with Band of Brothers. My Uncle Jimmy was with the 17th AB, and was killed in the Battle of the Bulge. Watching this movie explained to me why I was so close to the guys I went overseas with, how we would forget about our families (pre-cellphones and computers to back home) but talk about them amongst each other. That with the part in Heartbreak Ridge where his ex-wife hits him and explains what it felt like for the people back home brings tears to my eyes right now.
SPC Daniel Rankin
Black Hawk Down is one of my favorites. One of the few movies made of the war in the middle east.
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