Posted on Feb 5, 2019
Jonathan D.
I am seeking to enlist in the Army as a Warrant Officer Pilot. I do not have any piloting or flight experience, however. I hold a BA in Government, MPP in Policy and MPA in Administration as well as professional experience at the managerial and experienced level in research, finance and government. I don't have any upfront disqualifiers (criminal record, tattoos, children) although I do wear corrective lenses (to 20/20) for astigmatism.

I don't know any Warrant Officers but I do have a retired Army O3 and current O5 that are willing to recommend me. Otherwise I have two Government Officials that are willing to write my recommendations as well (Large Texas county Commission and large Texas city City Councilwoman).

I've taken an unofficial ASVAB and scored a 78 (without studying or prior knowledge), and meet the height/weight restrictions (5'11/190) but am not in military fitness shape. I am 27.5 as of this writing.

I am not in a mad rush to serve and plan to commence fitness training very soon and will be meeting with a recruiter.

Any advice, recommendations or insight would be greatly appreciated.
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Responses: 18
WO1 Ierw Student
Please utilize the search function for previous questions and answers regarding this topic. In the end researching for yourself and not asking questions until you’ve hit a dead end will help you immensely in the Army
Jonathan D.
Jonathan D.
>1 y
I have done so, I’ve done extensive research to the point that I know WOFT requires 110 GT, 40 SIFT, takes applicants quarterly, 33 age ceiling, recommendation process, etc., etc... I wrote here to seek insight outside of what’s on paper from those in, have served or know those who have served in WOFT. Largely, as know officers and enlisted and even come from a military family, WOFT is attractive to me but I do not know anyone now or retired who has done so. I’m simply asking for insight, less about standard application, guidelines and procedures.

Any insight you have having served is helpful and appreciated.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
Jonathan D. this question gets asked 2-5 times a day on here. Use the RP Search function is what WO1 (Join to see) is saying.
Jonathan D.
Jonathan D.
>1 y
LTC Jason Mackay Thank you.
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Capt Daniel Goodman

I'm not saying you want this, also, I don't know how easily or if at all one could bridge to warrant or commissioned flight pilot or nav/WSO this way, howeverz, I !erely offer it as food for thought, that's all, honest....
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Capt Daniel Goodman

I explicitly looked up age waivers generally, they do apparently exist for Navy I'd seen up to 29 on case by case, with he double masters, that's why I think it'd def be worth your at least asking, I didn't look at the other sites or svcs, however, I can't imagine one couldn't apply to be at least reviewed, you could offer them quite a good deal at your level, Army WOCS only needs high school, I'm unsure how Army nav/WSO is handled, however, trust me, def think about rear seat spots, not just pilot/aviator, when I'd been in, USAF opened aviation unit command to have/WSOs, I recall that, explicitly, so I assure you, such spots would be well wort your time to check, I'm unsure if age waivers for them are as stringent, you'd need to check that, obviously....
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What insight do you have for someone looking to get into an Army Flight Warrant Officer Program?
Capt Daniel Goodman

You'll def want this....
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Capt Daniel Goodman
Sorry, typo, useful....
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Capt Daniel Goodman

This is isefl....
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Capt Daniel Goodman
And with a double masters, for you to not seek an age waiver, I assure you, would he an abject waste of a possibility, to my way of thinking, honest...if you tried for USAFR, USNR, USCGR, or USMCR, possibly also Guard, Guard Tech, or Reserve Tech, that might also increase your chances, submitting to both ARNG as well as ANG also, for any flight spots with them, if they exist, honest....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
Glad you thought it all of apparent use...believe me, in that world, if you don't ask, ou don't get...obviously, there are limits to how far one can try, however, I'm pretty much positive you wouldn't be the first to ask for such a waiver, by all !, if you're still under the limit for Army rotary or fixed wing, certainly, you'd be able to wbmit without age getting in your way, however, as I'd mentioned, if you're already FAA licensed, whether fixed or rotary wing, the more you give recruiters to work with, the more you illustrate the seriousness of your intentions, so, if you can at least start private pilot, IFR (instrument flight), multiengine, and commercial flight, mane even rotary wing, even I might cost, my point is, you want flight anyway, so, if nothing else, view it as investment...if you went enlisted drone pilot, then tried for an OCS or Army WOCS while in, that top is another possibility, that was why I'd suggested it...I'd also very seriously get involved with Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and/or USCG Auxiliary, the latter has aviation flotillas where one can start out as an aviation observer, CAP owns its own corporate planes, USCG Aux uses its members persomal planes, trust me, find units for each near you, and go over, if only to explore flight instruction or exposure with them, it could only help your efforts, I should think, you know?
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y

Ou might find this of interest, also, FAA has a newer license capped sport pilot, cheaper to get than private pilot, I've understood, you also !right look at glider/sailplane exposure, also ultralights, provided the instructors are suitably qualified, any aviation exposure to my way of thinking only helps further your case for the svcs, I should think, honest....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
My real point is, till you can get into any of that world, one needs to be imaginative, as well as creative, to make use of what would be available to you now, you know?
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
A few other thoughts...with the Bach and double masters, the idea of going doctoral must've occurred to you...if so, in what? Business for a DBA or PhD? Law for a JD, possibly with an LLM, a !asters attorneys often get after a JD? I've seen ample material on here as well as elsewhere, ROTCs can definitely be used by those in grad school, honest...ask about it...further, USMC has a less well known program called platoon leaders course (PLC), I should think it could also be used for grad school as well...I take it clinical isn't an interest of yurs, however, USPHS Commissioned Corps has age limit of 44 normally, with flexibility for age based on added grad school...I realize this might not be your thing, per se, however, USCG uses USPHS for flight surgeons, or, you could try for flight surgeon in the other svcs, whether allopathic MD or osteopathic DO, if you'd care to alter your goals...I !erely suggest that as aviation med, which is a segment of occupational med, could be another means to at least he part of the aviation world, look also at the mil Fed main clinical professional group, there are also profesnl groups explicitly of flight surgeons...finally, if you'd care to go STEM, the test pilot schools, for all svcs, in the UK at Boscombe Downs, and in France, called the EPNER, all have tracks for flight test navigators/WSOs as well as engineers, I knew one guy who! I was under, he !Ade alternate for the engrg one for the USAF test pilot school (TPS), he didn't get it, then got out, i was under him when he was a civil servant thereafter...there's also the Natl Test Pilot School (NTPS,) which is private, though extremely expensive, in Calif, industry also sends students there, aside from military, look it up, you should see it using Google...there are also YouTube videos on all the flight test schools, NTPS included, it's not a mil school, it's private, as I'd said...if you'd care to explore such possibilities, I'd gladly try to give you more suggestions, purely as alternate routes, honest....
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Lt Col Jim Coe
My advice is to talk with Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard Officer recruiters. You have college degrees, so you should consider trying for an officer commission instead of a WO. Better pay and leadership opportunities.
Jonathan D.
Jonathan D.
>1 y
Col., my primary goal is flight training (helicopter specifically). My research has concluded that Army WOFT is the only means for me as Navy and Airforce have age restraints that I either have or will surpass by enlistment (I’m 27). Coast Guard doesn’t train its own pilots and only accepts transfers from other branches. There is aviation for my age with Army Commissioning but it is not guaranteed upon enlistment as is with WOFT and would likely have to serve a different MOS and apply internally.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but these are my conclusions after researching and I appreciate any further insight that you have!
Lt Col Jim Coe
Lt Col Jim Coe
>1 y
Jonathan D. your research is admirable. My only advice based on what we’ve learned is to read carefully anything you sign with the Army. You need to know exactly what you’re getting into. Be skeptical of any unwritten promise
Jonathan D.
Jonathan D.
>1 y
Lt Col Jim Coe Thank you Col.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
And purely as a personal preference, from am aerobic standpoint, if you do any martial arts or not, look at aikido and iaido, very aerobically de!amding, I had to run 2 miles in fatigues and combat boots in 18 mins for Army ROTC, then, a mile and a half in shorts and sneakers in 12 mins for USAF OTS...and I know you want active duty (AD), most likely, however, don't discount getting flight as Guard and/or Reserve first, as well, then seeking AD, just another thought....
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Capt Daniel Goodman
We had a family friend who'd been Army enlisted, got Army WOCS for rotary flight, then did his bachelors at Emory Riddle in aviation, Army released him, USCG picked him up, he finished his 20 yrs as a USCG O-3, that being said, with all you have, I'd also submit for Army fixed wing pilot, they have fixed wing, I've seen it mentioned on here...I'd also try for Navy and USMC aviator, as well as naval flight ofcr (NFO), also USAF pilot, as well as nav/weapon sys ofcr (WSO), I passed the NFO aeromed eval while I'd been USAF, I was just never to go intersvc transfer, there's also the NOAA Corps, they do pue science, so you might need a STEm bachelor's minimum, however, I'd most def also look at USCG flight, as our friend did as well, I perceive your interests, I merely mention all those as alternate suggestions, always helps to have alternate possibilities, you know? Your got a good deal, honest, and I can perceive why you'd stand a pretty fair chance, I think, I just figured I should mention all those other possibilities, that's all, hmest, of be most eager for your thoughts, no rush, whenever convenient....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y

Trust me, watch this, I'm virtually positive the new pilot or nav/WSO program still exists, this was released in 2010, also, with the masters you have, you could always request age waiver for the other svcs, and ask to have your stuff sent to the boards for the other svc flight programs, I've seen weirder things, I don't know for sure I'm right, I just do know it'd be worth asking about, certainly, honest, grad school often counts, esp with you GPAs, so believe what I tell you, and at least ask, you can still try for Army warrant, of course, also, as well....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y

Here's the NOAA aviation site....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y

Read this also...there are numerous oternsites on it, I'd noticed, as well....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
Also, you've gotta get out of the mode of wanting pilot only...if you can get a mav/WSO slot, bynalp means take it, then see if you can segueway to pilot once in...half a loaf is decidedly superior to zip, you know?
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