Posted on Mar 3, 2017
SPC Cameron Hale
So recently I've been flagged for multiple Failures To Report, as a result UCMJ is pending. I have accepted the consequences of my actions and am prepared to face them. I just wanted to know the extent of the article seeing as I'm still in AIT and haven't reported to my first unit yet. (No pun intended between the Failure to report and me not reporting to my unit. The FTR's are to formation) Help?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 156
SP5 Dann Nuxoll
Wow was she worth what your attempting to do had a kid in my platoon do the same thing,or you are a follower either of the two where you are at in your infancy as a soldier I identify a red flag special there's hope but it is all on you at this point and you raised your hand and got to where you are.Im assuming you are young and we all were once and also made mistakes in our own ways,you need to Know beyond all else alone in your head what you want my friend you have already surpassed so many by what you have begun so stop and think what you truly want this isn't necessarily the end but you will pay for it rest assured Be your own man all else follows in time you are doing a great thing if you really truly want this well that is on you but also keep in mind the lesser of will follow you for life
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SPC Matthew Grimes
Take it like a man. 30-45 extra duty/30-45 restriction and forfeiture of half pay for 1-2 months (assuming it's only Company grade AR15). This will affect your promotions later (especially E-5 and up). Straighten up brother! Take some pride in being a soldier!
SPC Matthew Grimes
SPC Matthew Grimes
6 y
Speaking from experience, btw.
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SGT Jon Creager
Get your act together, you signed up, you now know what you are into. So man up son. Yea you want to play the crap. You are the only one to blame, so be a man do the right thing and report and do what you are told. Be where you are suppose to be. I have had kids like you in my platoons. Yes it can follow you Maybe not on paper but I will tell you someone will drop a dime on you as we use to say. Yes they will get tired of your two bit attitude and call the unit ahead of you or just after you arriving and tell the 1st what a screw up you are Then its down hill from
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SSgt Daniel d'Errico
Article 15s come with a lighter punishment. No Court Marshalls to go thru. The Article 15 can pulled from your records
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SGT Kyle Bickley
We all screw up! Hell I got a summary and got the dog piss worked outta me. Ever cut grass with a ruler and a pair of scissors? Just take it and learn from it! Don't whine about it!
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MSG Mark Szyman
Your 1SG will explain it all in painful detail
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SPC Henry Francis
I received an article 15 while a PFC in AIT for going AWOL. I was given 30 days in CCF and I can’t remember what else. I left CCF (went AWOL) after a SGT told me to. (I’m pretty sure he was being sarcastic but he did tell me to and said so to the Provost Marshall of Ft. Bragg... soooo, I spent 20 minutes at attention as the Provost Marshall read this 17 year old idiot the riot act. The one thing I do remember was “you are the first (AWOL from CCF to NOT go to the brig) and by God you’ll be the last!”. There were some extenuating circumstances but none that would absolve me. My brother was also in the 82nd ABN and had earned Super Trooper while assigned to HQ Co. as a Chaplains Assistant. The Chaplain went to bat for me (over the extenuating circumstances) with the Col. Provost Marshall. I had sought to return after handling the personal problem for which the SGT told me to “go ahead and leave then...”. I had gone AWOL initially because I was greatly offended that I chose to be where I was and I was competing with others who were there as a court assigned alternative to prison. Nothing about that was “extenuating”. It was just juvenile stupidity. Extenuating was that I needed to get word to my fiancé that I would not be available for 30 days (yep, fiancé at 17... we’ve been married 45 years now). She has come from Texas with her sister to relatives in Red Springs to hide from a man who had been abusing her sister. The point here is things might go better than expected, they might not, but if you take your punishment and learn from it your can get back to where you were and better. I had earned the EIB and was an E-4 before 12 months had passed after my article 15. P.S. That fiancé of mine told me if I did not go back after my initial AWOL she would never marry me. She kept me from making the biggest mistake of my life permanent. Take the punishment, tell them you’ll do better and do it. You’ll be fine.
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SGT John Pearson
I was threatened with Article 15 more than once during training, but I remember most were. Fix it and move on. The only thing I gleened from your post was you can't be on time, some seem to be able to see more about you than me, I won't make those assessments as I don't know you. I had guys on my team that were late and a good heart to heart seemed to solve that. I told them it was my ass in a sling if they didn't tow the line. Good luck to you.
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SPC Lucky Willis
I really hope I'm not beating a dead horse here. After I got kicked out, my uncle called me and told me to never tell anyone we were related. After I got my honorable, he called me and said I could. The man has called me twice in my life. Secure that honorable. Then go do whatever enters your head. You eat that shit sandwich and when youre 40 itll be a distant memory
SPC Cameron Hale
SPC Cameron Hale
6 y
Thanks bro.
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SPC Lucky Willis
Hey buddy... got something else for you. For the last 18 months before my 2nd chance. I played a guitar on street corners around Nashville PRAYING Toby Keith would walk by and buy a song. Durring those 7 years, I probly had over 100 jobs and maybe half a dozen pairs of shoes. One thing I can give you that these fine gentelmen cannot, I can tell you how much it sucks to have a bad discharge. I can talk all day about how much a bad discharge sucks.... Dude, you don't want it. When the president dials 9-11, it was my uncle's phone that rang. I brought shame to everything around me. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, AND DO WHAT YOURE TOLD!!!!! Yea if you screw up, screw up big thats fine, thats what teaining is for. But the FTR's. You know whats causing it. She aint worth it bro. Yea, keep going down that road and you'll end up with a laugh now, cry later tattoo. Oh yea, she'll kick you to the curb when you get tossed too. For some preppy dude named Craig in a Honda Accord... you think I'm playin. You don't want to even roll the dice. Don't play that game. You won't get a second chance luke I did.
SPC Cameron Hale
SPC Cameron Hale
6 y
For sure man.
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