Posted on Nov 30, 2015
SFC AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
Most of the time, it is only a handful of notes that your squad leader could've updated you with. However, there are times when there is important notes that need to be put out and answered right on the spot. Please, feel free to share your experiences with this notorious dilemma.
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Responses: 18
MAJ Bryan Zeski
I hated this when I was an enlisted Soldier. When I was a PL, I did what I could to minimize wasted Soldier time. When I was a Company Commander, I made sure the 1SG and PSGs released the Soldiers before the 1SG meetings. Now, I just have a shop and still have to herd my Soldiers and NCOs out the door sometime around 1700. All the work will be there tomorrow!
SSG Thomas Gallegos
SSG Thomas Gallegos
>1 y
EXACTLY! I lived by this motto as well. It's the Army especially staying late for BS that could wait until next duty day.
SSG (ret) William Martin
SSG (ret) William Martin
>1 y
I've done so much to make sure Soldiers get maximum time for family and personal time, Sir.
SSG Fire Control Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Hurry up and wait the motto of the Army. I cannot count the amount of times I have released my soldiers just because we were sitting around waiting on notes fromt he PSG. Although the PSG did not like this because he wanted to address the whole platoon once the meetings were over. After many @$$ chewings he finally dropped the subject and just brifed the Section Chiefs of the upcoming tasks. If there was any information that coudl not wait until the next duty day I would call and notify my soldiers.
SFC AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I can't stand waiting at work when there are other productive things that I could be doing. Not to mention, there are soldiers with families and meal card holders. Wasting a Soldier's time is demoralizing. A retention being one of my many additional duties, It's unfortunate to hear a soldier tell me that they don't want to reenlist because it's a waste of time.
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SFC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
Had a PSG I filled in for while he was on leave. Had to do the PSG meeting with the 1SG and come to find out the liked to BS for a few hours after notes. We would stay in the motor pool u till about 2200 (not working) waiting on notes just for the PSG to come down and say see you tomorrow at 0600 for notes. When I was acting PSG and found that out I always left the meeting when the notes part was over and released the platoon. The PSG was kissed off when he came back. Always told me I was not able to release the platoon until he told me to. But I always did. After about 2-3 times getting yelled at did an open door with the 1SG told him everything and he sided with me. Can not stand sitting around for nothing. BTW we were in Germany.
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SSG (ret) William Martin
Edited >1 y ago
I have stayed late. I obviously didn't have a life after work or a family to go to and recall rosters did not exist. Part of the reason why we have a recall roster is so we can past down notes. Some notes need to be put out ASAP while some notes can wait until the next morning before PT. If someone asked, "stay late or come in early before PT for notes" which one do you think I would select. The Army is not my entire life, and I'd love to go home at some point unless its mission driven; a real mission.
SFC AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Very well agreed! You're spot on with emphasizing that there is a real mission
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