Posted on Sep 8, 2016
What is worse: Hillary "No Americans died in Libya", Trump "the generals are rubble", or Gary Johnson "What's an Aleppo"?
I think you can stick a fork in Governor Johnson; his pot smoking caught up with him - this afternoon's damage control notwithstanding.
For Hillary, it was an unforced error. She was clearly on defense after all of the email questions from Matt Lauer. That Navy officer really knocked it out of the park with his question stating that he'd be in jail if he did anything like that.
Trump, Trumped.
For Hillary, it was an unforced error. She was clearly on defense after all of the email questions from Matt Lauer. That Navy officer really knocked it out of the park with his question stating that he'd be in jail if he did anything like that.
Trump, Trumped.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 14
Let's get this out of the way first: There has been a blood letting among flag officers in recent years, culling out any and all who had the temerity to disagree with President Obama (despite the fact that he refuses to accept responsibility for his bad decisions. Thus, it is fair to call all who remain, the rubble of that process.
That leaves Hillary's insane assertion that she has not blood on her hands. Lightning should have struck her on the spot when she uttered those words.
That leaves Hillary's insane assertion that she has not blood on her hands. Lightning should have struck her on the spot when she uttered those words.
Cpl Jeff N.
TSgt Frank Shirley That is the same lame babble that the left slung around about Ronald Reagan circa 1980. It is nothing but a scare tactic and fear mongering. You have no reason to believe it. There is no proof he is itching to go to war. He opposed the war in Iraq and would have likely avoided that one had he been in the White House.
1SG Dennis Hicks
TSgt Frank Shirley - Sort of like Barry and his douche bags have caused these last 7 plus years.
Lt Col Mark DeVore
Spot in CPT. Anyone who's paid attention knows the number of G.O.s canned under this admin has been very high. The media doesn't follow up on it.
SFC (Join to see)
PO1 (Join to see) - Yup. Would you like your shit sandwich on rye or sourdough? Not a great choice.
SPC Anthony Landon
I want to like Johnson, but I can't get on board with his immigration plan. I do think its great that a third party has got so much attention this years though, I hope he breaks the 15% threshold so we can finally get past this two party system we have.
SFC (Join to see)
At least he wants a work visa plan. He's the only one with a doable plan. Leaving the border open isn't an option and congress won't fund a wall. They never have and they never will.
MAJ (Join to see)
he's as anti libertarian as Clinton is. I'd really love to vote libertarian, but Gary wants the Carbon emissions tax, won't defend freedom of religion, wants to cut the entire federal budget across the board, without reducing any of the required programs, and smoked way to much Marijuana to have a brain left. I'll risk Trump before wasting my vote of this buffoon.
Well, since Hillary was correct, as her comment referred to the military intervention, I'd say Trump's is the worst. Johnson honestly said he didn't know, and Trump just lied to try and deceive people.
MAJ (Join to see)
That is because only libtards tailor their "context" to exclude the obvious, in order to support their propaganda.
1SG (Join to see)
I imagine what Hillary was attempting to get at but didn't do effectively is say that the administration's operation to remove Qadaffi did not cost the blood and treasure that previous such operations in Iraq and Afghanistan did.
However, this exposes her to obvious criticism for Benghazi - certainly not a subject that she wants talked about - and the extremely undesirable outcome that Libya has had in the aftermath - a failed state with a heavy ISIS presence.
In so doing, she greatly weakened an already weak position vis-à-vis Trump in regards to foreign policy and interventionalism.
However, this exposes her to obvious criticism for Benghazi - certainly not a subject that she wants talked about - and the extremely undesirable outcome that Libya has had in the aftermath - a failed state with a heavy ISIS presence.
In so doing, she greatly weakened an already weak position vis-à-vis Trump in regards to foreign policy and interventionalism.
PFC Jose Eguizabal
MAJ (Join to see) - Those "libtards" and the right wing losers are great at twisting things. Funny thing is that people eat this crap up like it was a jar of cookies. Both sides are bad in the end. Trump is an ass clown, and Hillary a witch at the end of it all.
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