Posted on Apr 22, 2016
SSG Bethany Viglietta
I am an Army Recruiter and it would be great to share.

As we gear up to ship out some of our first female Future Soldiers in combat jobs, I ask of the members of RP, what is your advice for these young soldiers?

Please keep it constructive and nothing along the lines of they shouldn't be able to serve in these positions because that ship has sailed and opinions about how they should not serve in these positions are not going to change anything.

Edit: The conversation among RP members about mentoring these service members is amazing. Honestly, I did not know what to expect when I started the thread, because this is a subject many feel strong about. Thank you so much for all of your advice thus far, I cannot wait to share it with our female and male recruits and hope you share it in your ranks/communities as well. Together we are molding the future of the military.
Edited >1 y ago
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To be honest, when i was a younger Soldier, I had issues with women serving in a specialty of my MOS found in SOF units. As i moved up in position, I discovered my feelings were unfounded. There are just as many poor Soldiers, NCOs, and leaders that are male. One of my most recent jobs allowed me to assess the strength of this niche speciality in my unit and across the regiment. I used to think that women were not up to the task, but after seeing plenty of males Soldiers and NCOs who couldn't cut it, I know there are many women who can. This includes heavy rucks, long distances, and being right on the objective. My advice would be what I tell all Soldiers: be the best at what ever you do. Separate yourselves from your peers. Develop your subordinates. Do it to the best of your ability and do it without complaint.
SSG Bethany Viglietta
SSG Bethany Viglietta
>1 y
SFC David Lee Thank you so much for being honest about your original feelings and then experiences. I think it is attitudes like this that will change the climate these soldiers are coming into.
SGT William Wright
I can only speak as a tanker. If they can handle the hard work, no showers, confined spaces and team work, then go for it. But do not lead them on that it is easy work
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LTC Betty Holm
The bottom line is they are a Soldier and as ongoing as they carry their weight and always do what the job requires of them they will succeed. All of us hit roadblocks throughout our career but my personal strength was from the story, "The little engine that could". Every time someone told me I couldn't do something, I thought about that childhood story and pushed my way through. Good luck!!!
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SFC Wayne Theilen
As a 19K40 CDAT (computerized dumbass Tanker) That's right I said it. A female could drive, shoot and TC a tank. I've seen guys not able to sling a HEAT round to standards. The loading will be the tough part. Now can a female carry a roadwheel? Who knows. Could they manage the PMCS of a tank? Probably. But there are things that go on maintence wise I don't think some females will be able to do. Now being couped up inside a tank gets really nasty. Can a female go without a shower for a long time? What about their needs for their lady parts? The only way in my opinion that women in combat arms positions will be successful. will be LEADERSHIP. If one leader drops the ball there will be trouble. And some dumbass is going to pay with a extended stay at a federal facility. I just don't think we as tankers are ready for females in the turret. If I was still shooting sabot down range I would do my best to guide these new tankers. But there are and will be soldiers out there that just can't adapt.
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CPL Sharon Fahey
Pull your own weight and don't use your feminity to get special treatment. Never forget your a member of a team and the team is only as strong as its weakest link, don't be the weak link that tears the team apart. Remember there is a special camaraderie the male soldiers share, don't shove your way into it, let them invite you in. Don't be that female that sleeps around, flirts, and whines, stay in your lane and do your job.
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SGT Lisa Becker
Being a female solder myself, I gained an eye opening experience while deployed to Afghanistan, I had an opportunity to go on perimeter patrols with an Infantry unit with permission from my command and their command.
It is an experience that I will NEVER forget, I immediately felt the STRONG comaderae between the men and they included me in that brotherhood, it felt awesome. Then once I proved that I could hold my own I gained a HUGE amount of respect. I think if a female feels she is fit for the duty...GO FOR IT!!!...she will know if it's what she wants or not.
SSG Bethany Viglietta
SSG Bethany Viglietta
>1 y
SGT Lisa Becker YES!!! Going on the patrols throughout the villages with the Combat Arms units opened my eyes/allowed me to imagine women serving in Combat Arms.
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SSgt Infantry Unit Leader
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Sgt Sabrina Williams
Because this is something new, keep it professional at all times. Don't mix business with pleasure and demand respect at all times. I feel that females will do well in combat jobs. As long as they keep their jobs strictly professional and always look out for your rear and cover yourself no matter what because no one will do it for your. Don't expect for other people to do your job for you. Listen and learn your jobs inside and out. Be responsible for your own actions if you mess up. Always keep your guard up at all times. Letting your guard down and horseplay can cost you life.
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PO2 David Allender
If a woman is seriously interested in warfare, then go for it. It might be worth while though to ask question to vets who have been there. Pressure is going to be high. One thought though, if you hesitate to shoot, then somebody will die on your side. you can't freeze up. for any reason, because everybody counts on you to be part of the team. They will be hard on you until you prove yourself to all the team players. That is true even for a man. TRUST is the main function of teamwork. Once they find that they can trust (depend) on you, it will be alright. Israelis have used women since Israel became a state. That was a different matter though. There just weren't enough men in Israel at the time. if you are serious about going into combat, then go ahead, but a word of warning, combat is not glamorous as the movies make it to be. Your first kill will be with you the rest of your life. Also you just may lose a buddy or two. It is hard in combat, but harder after comabt. You will find out what I mean. Good luck and good hunting. May GOD protect you and your buddies in the field.
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SFC Edward Harland
Who cares anymore, I say let them (female) have their chance to succeed or not on their own merits. If a female can hang with the guys, and do the same things as they do, then go into a Combat MOS! As SGM Marquez stated, and I agree, is " don't ask for anything special." Be BETTER than the Guys if you want to prove something. However, we will find out how this works out when the next conflict comes along. For my Female comrades in arms, just steel yourself for the horrors of war up close, and what it can do to you physically and mentally!

We all know that this is mostly Political, and the guys and girls in Washington are not the ones going to come home maimed or in a body bag when its all said and done.
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